I have a female who will sometimes do this. She will get ready for bed a few hours before her lights turn off.
However, if your chameleon is doing this during the daytime while basking, get it checked out by a vet ASAP. I lost my first chameleon from a respiratory infection. Unfortunately, I...
Hey Kronos, I think something weird is going on with them. I've messaged Kammerflage twice about ordering an awesome looking ambilobe days ago and still haven't heard anything back. Everytime I call them, it immediately says "cannot leave a message because voicemail has not been set up".
I was confused by that too! When I originally returned the destroyed Reptibreeze XL, they made me send it to this "Tortoise Town". I called them to find out when my new one was arriving because I never received a response, and it was the exact same voicemail greeting as CBreptile.
@AmandaS I love that you did that, thank you! This community is downright amazing.
@Vinesar21 Unfortunately, that's how I discovered CBreptile. They were the first one to pop up and at the time, they had many positive reviews. I wish I could go back in time.
I will definitely check out...
@Beman If I do decide to get a male, I will totally make sure she goes to a good home. I refuse to just dump her off to a random person on Craigslist. I want her to go to someone who has raised a chameleon before. I was actually going to ask if anyone on these forums would be interested.
Also, I forgot to add that I experienced the exact same thing when I received my first chameleon from them! (minus the MBD) When I brought him to the vet, they couldn't get a weight either. They said it was the tiniest chameleon they've ever seen and that he must've been a few days old when I...
I seriously can't get over CBreptile and need to vent (if the mods are cool with it). Seriously, what is CBreptile's problem? I've never seen such disregard for customers and incompetence.
For my first ever order I purchased a mistking, Reptibreeze XL, and a hatchling chameleon. The...
Thanks for the responses everybody. To be honest, I'm super torn and disappointed. I was really excited to see the colors develop since she just hit six months old. I know it's extremely superficial, but ever since I was a child I've always wanted a bright and colorful chameleon.
The problem...
Thank you for answering my questions! I really appreciate you taking the time to write your detailed response and for providing insight and advice. Also, that's so awesome that some of your chams drink directly from the nozzle. Ha, I had to look that up on YouTube. I had no idea some drank that...
Are you serious?!? I specifically ordered a male because I wanted the colors. I still love this chameleon and will treat her with care, but I'm a little upset. I've had nothing but problems with cbreptile.com...
I'll try to get a decent picture of his/her tail tommorrow, but is this one good enough? It's from its most recent shedding. It's the only decent picture I have that shows "his" tail.
My apologies, here's his husbandry info:
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Ambilobe Panther. I received him August 17th as a Juvenile. Roughly 6 months old at this point.
Handling - Pretty much never. He's a little apprehensive about me, still.
Feeding- Dubia Roaches and superworms, both...
Hey all.
I received my 3 month old juvenile on August 17th this year. I couldn't help but notice that he doesn't really have any colors compared to other ambilobe panther chameleons that I've seen online. I just took him to the vet last week and they said he appears healthy. Is his lack of...
Interesting picture. Has anyone ever fed their cham a stickbug before? I've never knew they were used for feeding, which I don't think I could do because I like them so much. It's probably because they are so rare where I live. I haven't seen on in years.
Also, +1 to dubiaroaches.com
I can't...
To be honest, he NEVER goes down where those lights are. It's just weird that his tongue was fine yesterday, and today he was struggling. The last time I went to the vet I paid $200 for a shot of emergency antibiotics, and he died a couple hours later (which was devastating and broke my heart)...
I haven't been giving him any vitamin A supplements. I've been gutloading his dubia's and superworms with carrots though. Should I also be dusting his meals with vitamin A supplements? I just checked his "EarthPro A" and it doesn't have it. I just got back from a trip and my mother-in-law (who...
Leif is a four month old panther chameleon who I adore. I always grab his gut-loaded dubias and drop them in a cup with some "EarthPro-A" to coat them. I grab the roaches by one of their legs using tongs. I do this so I don't hold them too tight and cause stress to his tongue when he pulls them...
Great video! I honestly feel like Amazon doesn't care. They are getting paid and making money regardless, so why should they? I've reported a dozen fake listings (such as blue venus fly traps which don't exist) and I was thanked by Amazon and assured these sellers and listings would be...