If for example someone had fruit trees in the cage, and said person was trying to keep everything organic, would the mosquito bits be okay to use still?
I have a solar meter. What reading should that give me for Tauri’s cage? His range is 1.3 to 2.2 it’s about 8-9 inches above his basking branch. What should both of their uv readings be? I’ve adjusted her bulb to a 60 w daylight blue. And His to a smaller mercury bulb. I’m temping and adjusting...
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male (Tauri)10 months, Female (Pleiades) about 2 months. Ive had them both for 3 weeks now.
Handling - I haven't handled them much. letting them adjust to their new homes.
Feeding - Crickets, dubia roaches, fruit flies. Tauri has eaten a few horn worms and orange pieces...
Hi everyone!
I have two veiled chameleons! My 10 month old male Tauri, was rehomed to me on Dec 9, and I rescued my 2 month old female Pleiades, from petco on the Dec 10!
I can’t wait to learn all I can from all of you! :)
I will be filling out the husbandry form here soon!