Plant Spray


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Is there a safe house plant spray to spray my veiled Cams plants?? I notice nat like bugs flying around and he doesn’t eat them ... helppp
I also had this problem this week. I took the plant out of the cage and dumped all the soil into a bowl. I then washed the root bulb until it was only roots. I took the soil and while you can replace it with fresh organic soil, I microwaved mine to kill any possible eggs in the dirt 😅 Repoted it and now I wait and see
I’ve noticed a couple in his enclosure, and I was hoping he would just eat them I can see his eyes watching them fly around but nothing! and now I’m noticing them randomly in the house and I’m like WTF somethings got a change! Is there a sort of Organic spray for the plants
You can also wash off your plants (including the roots) and repot in baked organic soil, like @Amberbluefrog said. I would add that using hydrogen peroxide, bleach, Physan, etc. (all diluted with water in the proper amounts) works best to kill off anything on the plants themselves
If for example someone had fruit trees in the cage, and said person was trying to keep everything organic, would the mosquito bits be okay to use still?
As long as the cham doesn’t eat the soil. I used it with my panthers fine, obviously I’d have been more concerned if I had a veiled

Edit: I have no idea about the organic part
As long as the cham doesn’t eat the soil. I used it with my panthers fine, obviously I’d have been more concerned if I had a veiled

Edit: I have no idea about the organic part
I don’t think he eats the soil, but he definitely eats the plants I have pathos and money trees in there and as far as taking everything out and washing and replacing with organic soil it’s so overgrown and I’m so overwhelmed LOL
I don’t think he eats the soil, but he definitely eats the plants I have pathos and money trees in there and as far as taking everything out and washing and replacing with organic soil it’s so overgrown and I’m so overwhelmed LOL....And I’m not infested at this point by any means but I do see like 2 to 3 flying around while I’m trying to feed, clean mist.. etc and it’s annoying... y doesn’t he just eat them 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄😂
OK it is not a fast fix but.....very organic. You can add a plug (like 1" x 1" ) of carnivorous plant bladderwort/utricularia to each plant's dirt. Their PRIMARY diet, which all takes place underground, is gnat larvae. They grow fast if they have a food source, and above ground they make virtually invisible leaves so I don't think ingestion should be a concern unless he literally eats the dirt. Bonus they love sloppy wet soil (as do the gnats LOL). It flowers infrequently and you could cut the stalks if concerned.

Short-term one butterwort which you could put on top of the cage or just outside of it if you are concerned about ingestion is great at catching gnats.

Here is s blurb from one of the CP sites, they are out of stock right now but should be easy to find if you do some looking.

Utricularia sandersonii

Terrestrial Bladderworts (Utricularia) are easy to grow and produce profusions of flowers. Their small bladders feed on various swimming and crawling creatures that inhabit their soil like fungus gnat larvae and tiny worms. They produce carpets of short stolons along the soil surface that look like tiny blades of grass pressed flat to the ground. Terrestrial bladderworts will grow happily alongside many carnivorous plants in bogs.
Is there a safe house plant spray to spray my veiled Cams plants?? I notice nat like bugs flying around and he doesn’t eat them ... helppp
Since the problem is in/with the soil, I don't know that spraying the plants would have the desired effect. I used to see a few, but since covering exposed soil with river pebbles, I haven't seen any.

Other remedies have been suggested. I like those with carnivorous plants.
I think I saw a thread the other day about nematodes organic solution. When I had a greenfly problem with my chilli plants I introduced natural predators ladybirds rather than spray
Saw these on the shelf at a local garden shop if you don't mind sharing how you implement them for the Chameleon. Amazon has a 30oz for 15 and I was planning to use them in the yard wasn't sure if they would be "safe" inside the enclosure.
Sorry for such a late response! Mosquito Bits are perfectly safe! The bacterium in it only affects mosquitoes and fungus gnats! They’re even safe to put in fish tanks with sensitive shrimp, fish, and snails! Obviously watch out if your cham wants/tries to eat them as a precaution like anything else, but they are safe and work great!
I got 2 carnivorous plants Venus fly trap (probably not that efficient) but also a drosera member of the sundew family and lots of gnats on it ( both outside of the enclosure) lol also a spider 😆 has taken up residence in my enclosure and helping out
I got 2 carnivorous plants Venus fly trap (probably not that efficient) but also a drosera member of the sundew family and lots of gnats on it ( both outside of the enclosure) lol also a spider 😆 has taken up residence in my enclosure and helping out
Yes, IME Venus fly traps seem to like meatier prey, but IIRC, they're one of the more fun to watch due to the "action."

I take it you're aware that chameleons will eat spiders.
Yes I would believe that ( from what i have read meatier insects on a less regular basis) as apposed to smaller gnat flys in this topic would be more beneficial as from what I have read the traps closing to often can decrease its lifespan ( only what I briefly read) yes I am aware that chams will eat spiders but to be honest my girl only eats or has eaten ( as far as I have noticed) what i have fed her i have never even seen her bsf . But I don't have eyes on her all the time be interesting to set up some cameras 🤔
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