Others might chime it that know more about cork! I do know that you can buy suction cups to hold your vines in places on the glass if you decide to ditch the cork! :) biffle also sells baby ambilobes right now! He raises Parsonii so you know he is a badass! :)
I'm not 100% sure but it seems to me that they might harvest mold.. Did you put them up to stop reflection? Sunshine Chameleons has some blue bar ambilobes for sale p! I bought one from them a month ago and his colors are killer!
I bet it will look gray once you get a new tree! Like mentioned above it should be cleaned. I would suggest removing the dirt from the bottom... There is no need for it, your chameleon will eat it, mold and junk can breed in it and a bare bottom makes clean up a little easier! I lost a Cham and...
Ok good to hear! They are just in such random places and look so strange that I wanted to post and make sure it sans' something weird I had never seen or heard of!
Found it all on old thread!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Ty is a 4.5 month old Male Ambilobe Panther that was hatched on 2/2/14 by sunshine chameleons. He has been in my care for 1 month and some change now.
Handling - I take him out almost daily to go outside and hang out on his trees...
Hey guys! I was gone for the weekend and came home and noticed these new black streaks on Ty.. He hasn't shed since I got him and has grown significantly.. I was thinking maybe he is about to shed and get new colors but wanted to make sure that it isn't something to worry about! I tried to wipe...
Looks freaking awesome! Does the shelf come out so you can expand once your babe is bigger? I am going to assume it does and that it a great idea! Jann is so awesome! Her babies are always beautiful and she always answers EVERYONEs questions! I am going to get a baby from her some day!
Thanks everyone! I got him from sunshine chameleons here on the forum! His dad is hotrod. If I'm not mistaken they have a few babies for sale right now!
Sooo I had my dubia colony outside today and forgot to bring it back inside. We got a huge storm and I just brought them in. There was like 2-3 inches of standing water inside their tote. I drained it all but I am wondering if they will be ok with the soggy egg crates until I can get more.. Or...