thanks! i’ve definitely considered it however my current setup is super visible and accessible. does my info match with your usual hatchling husbandry?
A long time ago, to get a better deal, i purchased a chameleon egg. Upon further research, I learned it’s not a popular option and considered inhumane because of the high chance the hatchling won’t make it. I’ve been DIGGING and gathered what seems to be the most agreed upon care sheet for...
i just decided to take another look at the egg and i’m noticing some sections of the egg appear thinner (almost transparent). and i also noticed two more indentions. those pictures were taken about three hours ago and the egg has definitely changed since then! i’m crossing my fingers!! is there...
the temp is usually 75 degrees F. and thank you for the link! i don’t want to disturb the egg so i can’t tell if it’s hardened but i’m not super hopeful at this point :/ i’ll definitely wait it out though! and if anything happens i’m sure the breeder will be more than happy to accommodate seeing...
so i have an panther chameleon egg that i bought off of a breeder. it’s been incubating via closet method for about seven months. four days ago i noticed the egg shrunk and noticed a bit of sweat! however, other than that there haven’t been anymore signs of hatching. in fact, there are now two...
this is the link in case you want to check it out more thoroughly!
Does anyone have any recommendations for panther chameleon hatchling enclosures?
I’m thinking about using this one (the image) for the first two or three months and then moving to a custom built adult enclosure. Please offer advice :)
keep in mind this would NOT be a permanent enclosure. I...
So I’ve been trying to find alternative light fixtures because of how expensive the zoo med ones are and I found this
however, idk if this will work with a T5 5.0 zoo med bulb! Any ideas?
oh yeah I’m aware of the risk! He’s local so no worries about the egg getting damaged in transportation. I’m home all the time so I have the time to be there 24/7 :)
So I’ve been looking on Craigslist for anyone trying to rehome a panther chameleon. I stumbled across a local breeder with some eggs for sale! (100$) he seems very responsible and has answered all of my annoying questions. I have about six to twelve months to prepare so I’ve been trying to do...