I've encountered a Hog-nosed snake before. I can't be sure if he secreted any sort of musk, but he did flail around violently before going completely limp with his belly up and tongue hanging out of his open mouth.
Wow, thanks for all the responses. I was just interested to see what everyone has managed to find near where they live. However, I would be most interested to find a tiger salamander.
I would just worry about keeping their temperature and humidity in check until you have the enclosure set up. They could still be stressed from traveling
I'm looking for them in shallow bogs in southern Wisconsin. I always thought it would be exciting to come across a tiger salamander. I've found a few blue spotted salamanders last year.
I was just crurious what the community here has found while out and about looking for reptiles and other similar critters. Specifically, have you or anyone you know ever found salamanders while herping? I've read that they're pretty difficult to find.
I was considering red-eyed tree frogs at one point until I observed them up close. While they do look gorgeous when they're out and about crawling around their enclosure, they are nocturnal. So, they usually find a spot in the enclosure where they can blend in and rest for most of the day...
That's a nice looking enclosure. I especially like the addition of growing live plants. I noticed you even have some moss growing in there. He looks like he's really enjoying that naturalistic environment.
Of course, no problem. I'm currently caring for a 3 year old Black Greek tortoise. I've been making it a habit of mine to make a low pitch sound comparable to a fog horn whenever I feed him. He seems to respond most of the time though sometimes he doesn't. He's usually waiting for me with his...