Missus got her tank! :)

That's what we thought, but a few minutes after I snapped the pic, he exploded the moss out like the Kool-Aid pitcher guy, and went into his main hide. 🤷‍♂️

Oh Yeah Surprise GIF





I am the master of my fate​

I am the captain of my soul.​

Invictus, William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903)​

Now that he's made it, he climbs out several times per soak. Time for a bigger (deeper) tub!
He's fallen over a few times, but Missus is still freaking out about it every time, and Johnny-on-the-spot about righting him. I keep telling her he's got to learn to right himself, but ya know.... mothers. :rolleyes:

So, no—haven't seen any crazy wiggle shake yet.

He does like climbing and getting on top of things, though—especially his plants.






Like AmandaS beardie, we have no idea how he gets up there, but he does! 🤷‍♂️

Shhhhhhhhhhhh You are right about letting him learn to flip over on his own. There is something about in that crazy shake that allows their neck to push themselves over. I have no idea what it is but have watched others do it.
Good job!
Neck out is one thing.... he was looking like he was going to munch on some sphagnum the other day, so I slowly stuck a finger in to pull it away and he pulled his head so far in I thought he was hollow or something! I mean... it was GONE! :eek:

Sometimes he pulls in and sometimes he doesn't. If we're lucky, sometimes he'll stick his neck out and let us pet his head & neck—so cool :cool:, but like a cat, it's gotta be on his terms (which is fine). :)
Latest growth pic...


Carapace: 2⅞" (L)
Weight: 70g.

He's a chonk. :p

Aug. 7, 2021______________________Dec. 5, 2021_______________________Mar. 20, 2022
Yup. Not bad for a strict herbivore. I have no idea where he gets protein from, but his system ferrets it out from someplace... 🤷‍♂️

kinyonga, Lindasjackson, redhorse, SueAndHerZoo, varnerya

Question for you turtle folk...
IDK if it's his species, age, or combination, but Ol' Mitch hasn't quite grown into (or out of 🤨) his shell yet, and of late, it's quite domed. (Huh. It looks moreso from above.)

Anyway, his little legs and neck aren't long enough for him to be able to right himself when he flips over on the flat. We're trying to gradually—but naturally—develop his muscles by offering as little assistance as possible—slowly (over several minutes) easing him up by degrees until he can make it on his own.

Nevertheless, Missus is terrified that he might flip while we're out of the house, and get stuck there for several hours.

Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions? :unsure:
JMHO- Your baby looks great and acting normal.
Here is a link that you may have already found but explains it way better than I.

https://www.tortoiseowner.com/can-an-upside-down-tortoise-turn-itself-over/#:~:text=If it has a flatter shell, however, it,and push against the ground with her nose.

In my experience with pet-shop tortoises (hundreds of them) there has never (NEVER) been a baby that could not flip over.
My observations were:
1. They flip and panic into a spasm like wiggling of the legs.
2. They stop (this might happen a few times).
3. They start using their head and neck more than wiggling legs.
4. Their shape causes them to slowly dip towards the head area, but still upside down.
5. The tiny head and neck just do a quick couple of thrusts, and they flip over.
Unlike water turtles their shell stay intact so during growth you can see the layers between scutes.

1st pic is Rascal "CA desert tortoise" he does have permit. (y)
2nd pic is Mama (Red Eared Slider) turtle showing off her growth, and scutes peeling off.

Great job with the little fella. (y)



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I've kept quite few species of turtles/tortoises over the years...but not a Hermans....so I'm not irsure how domed it hold be as a baby. You do have to be careful though...too much protein can lead to pyramiding.
She cut out the Mazuri completely several months ago, so all he's eaten since then is greens and plants in his enclosure. IDT there's anything there with even 15% protein. Probably more like 5-10% if that.

Today he surprised us. He did 3 laps around the enclosure before breakfast instead of his usual one lap. He's been staying up later in the day (instead of turning in right after his 11:00 soak) and this afternoon, he climbed on top of everything he could—his hide, the troll bridge, couple of plants.

I picked up the last few parts for his mister; hope to get a start on installing it tomorrow.
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