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  1. MannyXO

    looking for cap est

    looking for 100% pure cap est panthers by trusted sellers. im located in california and havent had luck finding reputable breeders in person/online
  2. MannyXO

    Parsons chameleon Caging "commercial or build yourself"

    thank you for all the recommendations! im still looking into dragon strand as I like their designs a lot. tamura thankfully is local to me so thats a big option for me. lastly is there anyone with experience with parsons? i would want to ask a lot more questions that i feel is good to ask. I...
  3. MannyXO

    Parsons chameleon Caging "commercial or build yourself"

    im bringing in 2 parsons into the chameleon family soon however no commercial brand has sizing for a parsons long term, i have been researching people who custom make enclosures with no luck. what direction can i go? i live in SoCal so temps are always good here year round. and if i build it...
  4. MannyXO

    tongue injury? watched as it happened and concerned

    i thought i responded to this, my boys tongue is back into full use i think he was sore from what happened. im actually in the process of moving all my chams outdoors since i live in SoCal im just worried they would stress and not adapt well.
  5. MannyXO

    tongue injury? watched as it happened and concerned

    it was feeding time for all the reptiles and i usually finish with the chameleons eating last. my lil guy Petrie is in a Large repti breeze 18x18x36. hes almost a year and a half. i have a linear t5 5.0 for his uvb that is due soon for change, and a 50 w basking bulb. i do keep dowels for...
  6. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    Right before the photo he had some dark lining on his eyes and lips so im not sure if he was basking and then i kinda came into his zone. Im in a hawk eye mode and noticing all the small things that can be nothing.
  7. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    Behind some screen but hes munching on bugs
  8. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    The uvb is 100% so that im not concerned with. Stress from rearranging the enclosure a maybe, parasites us also likely however im super sanitary in all enclosures and a huge freak with cross contamination so im hoping thats less likely the cause. Here are some pictures of hermes
  9. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    In terms of handling i do a basic check up on all my chams like twice a week, and educational shows arent always a thing so we can say thats more random Feed wise i have galleries and usually give all the adults 10-14 crickets or roaches, superworms and or hornworms i offer 1/2 as a treat and...
  10. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    Heres the enclosure with my little dude.
  11. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    I can a little later tonight
  12. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    I caught myself there in started sleeping mid day after enclosure rearranging yesterday, added new tree. Still eating and moving about when not caught sleepin. But when sleeping has some dull/ dark lines.
  13. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    Your Chameleon - YBB male panther chameleon roughly a year and 7 months old Handling - as needed or for educational shows Feeding - crickets, dubias as staple, hornworms rarely and super worms rarely. Gut load with carrots and bug burger. All chams eat 3/4 times a week Supplements - calcium with...
  14. MannyXO

    Strange out of the blue behavior

    My older panther that is about 2 years old started bein a lil funky lately, i havent had time to get him some new live plants in his enclosure because of a few school duties, but just yesterday i did get him a new ficus benjamina. However here in Los Angeles the weathers been back and forth with...
  15. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    In regards to the shedding they fell off on their own, i never went to peel stuck shed. She did a stool culture that id get back in a few days, and she basically said the limbs would be swollen and wouldnt move much and the organs were palpable. And yea i asked about dosages and all that and she...
  16. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    Update: Vet suspects Parasites, Ruled out gout and respiratory. he was given vitamin D injections, Fluids, a dewormer and Liquid Calcium. i am back monday for lab work
  17. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    A friend who keeps chameleons said it could possibly be gout too because of the dangly legs, not wanting to use them that much
  18. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    The store initially was closed down for various reasons but they were exposed for selling sick animals and selling WC animals as CB. I did also rescue a savannah monitor from there in 2020
  19. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    Yea that visit was in December which i requested a thorough exam. So he had a fecal test, and she did feel on his limbs and let him perch on a few branches and vines. And during that time LA temps were a stable 50-65 degrees and with heat in the reptile room i could get it at a stable 85 to...
  20. MannyXO

    Heat stress or Vitamin Deficiency

    That was recent but before that wasnt common ever 4th of july before fires i had the chams out on the dracaenas since it was a perfect outdoors day and he was walkin and doing his thing fine but catching this 2 days ago i was like uhm you have never done that. He moves the arms fine, he gets...
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