No on me i used it to coax him outta his cage lol . No none at all , and literally right after the apt he started having problems . My girl thought they handled him kinda rough but I honestly thought it was kinda normal . Idk i dont wanna be a jerk an say it was forsure their fault but just...
Took my boy stellio to the vet today for check up they said he’s healthy. He literally ate a horn worm before we left . We got him bavk from the vet and he tries to eat and his tongue only shoots out half way and he wont reach his food . I called the vet to ask if they mishandled him or...
Yea totally get that , like i said i keep all mine in 2x2x 4 . I just want somebody reputable and knows alot to tell me wether “yes thats ok “ or “ no absolutely do not keep them in enclosures that sized “.
Just curious been talking to alot of breeders and people in sc and florida with established chameleon businesses. And they keep male adult panthers in the 18x18x36 . The males i keep ive always been told to keep in 2x2x4 . Would it be wrong or is it wrong to keep em in something that small ...
I was gonna say ive tried asking petcos around if they get any or could order along time ago . They said no to both lol so very lucky and cool that he got one from them 🔥🔥
Yea i got that , just i would think the babies coming from wild ones and if they do have parasites. It would possibly pass on to them , was all i was saying 👍🏾
it keeps a constant temp of mid 70s , and basking spot about 81 . I have fake plants im there but only on the walls so she can grab onto and hide . Besides that i have live plants . And the vent has a blocker underneath so no air goes thru there . The window hasn’t poses any issues so far in...
I personally would just buy a pet one from online and try breeding it . Just cause with wild you never know about parasites . I was asking the same thing about snails a while back and multiple professionals told me its real hard to get them cause no one really breeds them . And wild ones carry...