New enclosure

New home for my veiled female , what you guys think ?


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It is a great start. With Veileds you do not want to have any fake plants in the enclosure. They will start to chew on them which can pose an impaction risk. Females can be particularly motivated when it comes to plant eating. They seem to try to strip down their plants more then most males will.

For UVB make sure there is an unobstructed path down to the branches below it. Any plants live or fake if they are in between the branch and the UVB above it will block the UVB from passing through.

For most females having the lay bin farther to the back can be better. They do not like being within view when they do try to start digging.

With the window being behind the cage... Keep in mind if this window gets direct sun even with the curtains pulled it will heat up the ambient air quite a bit. This will be the same issue having the cage right next to a vent on the floor. It will mess with your ambient levels cooling or heating them.
it keeps a constant temp of mid 70s , and basking spot about 81 . I have fake plants im there but only on the walls so she can grab onto and hide . Besides that i have live plants . And the vent has a blocker underneath so no air goes thru there . The window hasn’t poses any issues so far in the last months . And btw ive had her for a while and ive never seen her even chew a plant , or even bite marks on them showing she chomped on them 👍🏾.
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