Salve, ho ritagliato un pannello di plexiglass spesso due millimetri, l'ho ricoperto con un'immagine adesiva comprata su Amazon che era abbastanza chiara in modo che il terrario rimanesse più luminoso, e l'ho fissata sul retro con del nastro biadesivo.
Thanks for the replies and for the welcome!:love: I am truly grateful to you for the help you gave me to resolve my doubts. I confirm that it is a female, according to the vet, but I don't know how many months/years she could be and I think she was abandoned because she was no longer eating, she...
Hi, I live in Rome, Italy, and I apologize for my English. First of all, congratulations for your forum and your animal friends, unfortunately in Italy there are very few forums about chameleons. In November, while I was walking my dog, I found a calyptratus chameleon abandoned in the grass. I...