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  1. D

    Cop Hat - 8 Month Veiled.

    No one is interested? He is really a great guy. I will send to a good keeper for cost of shipping.
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    Cop Hat - 8 Month Veiled.

    75$ Shipped Ok, I took on this Veiled Champion 3 months ago, I recieved him when he was 5 months old. Anyways, I like chameleons, however, I cannot keep up with him. Health - He has been kept well, as if he was housed in the hilton. He has never been ill, and is very active. - I am...
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    Chameleon Eating Progression.. 1 Week

    Haha, Well I have been active on the forums for quite some time now! Just got the chameleon today, Ive been on the forums for about a month maybe more =) but thanks for the link again!
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    Chameleon Eating Progression.. 1 Week

    Ok, So I got my chameleon last Week or So. He is a veiled, and in my opinion he is doing really well. He was always range fed by the breeder! Recently I introduced him to cup feeding and he took to it like a champ, second day and he was perfect with it. However, today, I managed to feed...
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    How to Keep Them! (Silkies)

    Just wondering how everyone keeps there silkies? Havent really kept them in masses.
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    Couple Questions

    Thanks everyone, I figured it was just time that needs to take its course. On a side note, I have all 3 Rep-Cal products. I Dust with just Calc daily, only half the feeders which varies, I coat them lightly. I do not want to hit him with D3 and Multivitamin a day after eachother, so Im gonna...
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    Couple Questions

    Ok, Just recieved my VEILED chameleon yesterday. He was very energetic coming out of the packaging, he was a bright color and very active (Crawling on my Arms) However, I am new to this so the questions come rolling out... He is currently a darker green, Not brown but has black spots. This is...
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    New Setup! Pic Heavy/Lots of Text

    I believe the wood is pressure treated at most, Anyways, The moisture hardly effects it to say the least. I see no splitting or swelling from intense absorption.
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    New Setup! Pic Heavy/Lots of Text

    Awesome! Thanks for the comments everyone. The Chameleon I will be getting is close to 5 months Old. As far as temperatures go, I will make sure to monitor them frequently and adjust the enclosure accordingly =)
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    New Setup! Pic Heavy/Lots of Text

    Ok, So I have finally set up everything! I think I've done a good job getting everything setup for my Veiled Chameleon before it comes (August 27th). I am just looking for some input from many of the experienced Chameleon Care Takers =P -Supplies- Cage: DIYCAGE, 2'x2'x4' Plants: 2 Gold...
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    My New Setup, Checking Temps.

    Ok thanks! I will raise some of the higher spots through the use of a taller plant and a vines. I purchased the 75W bulb to see if it has a greater effect, I would rather be safe than sorry =)
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    My New Setup, Checking Temps.

    My Setup! Chameleon: 5 Month Old Veiled (Have Yet To Purchase) Cage: I have a 2x2x4' DIYCAGE Plant: Gold Capella Lighting: Reptisun 5.0 18" Bulb, 75W house bulb Foilage: Not put in yet, Still adding another plant (Hibiscus) Ok, So basically this is the simplest of cage...
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    DIY cage just arrived! Our Feedback

    My DIY Cage Arrived Yesterday Too! I am extremely impressed with its quality, however, There is one thing Id like to comment on. The Bottom, I feel the plexiglass is a tad thin, I feel that it does not bear the weight of a pot or two very well and flexs extremely. Now, This is easily...
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    Leaves Curling

    Ok =) Great, Well thank you! Ill get started on everything now! I appreciate your help =) Thank you!
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    Leaves Curling

    The pot is on a towel to absorb any water that may potentionally come out of the pot, No water has come out of the pot yet so I assume it hasn't been over watered. I have only watered it twice, once when I repotted it and it was for about a minute or two of continuous MISTING Spray from a...
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    Leaves Curling

    See I don't really understand the whole indirect light source, My plant is in my room near a window but the blinds have been shut so that the sun doesn't beat down on it, I don't have an actual light source beating down on the plant but my room light has been on constantly and it hovers a little...
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    Leaves Curling

    Problem: The leaves on the 'Gold Cappella' Have begun to curl upwards and some of the smaller pods have brown leaves.. Information: I purchased this plant 2 days ago and it has been repotted in a Coconut Husk/Sand Mix which I found from this forum. I have not left it in the sun because they...
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    Yet Another Plant Question

    I know I am not answering your question but I have been in the same situation as you. I have done a bit of researching and through the advice of many experienced forum members they have shown me some of the better plants to use so I will just list them here. Golden Pothos, DWARF Umbrella...
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    Comparison Help.

    Ok, So I am still unsure about this plant. I have done a bit of traveling looking for specific plants for my Chameleon. I am still on edge about this one, It is labeled Schefflera and it is clear that is that type of plant however. I am still trying to figure out if this is a DWARF UMBRELLA...
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    Golden Pothos/Schefflera?

    I stumbled upon some of these plants from an aunt of mine. I dont really plan on using any of these plants but if they are safe I am curious. I have done my best to identify them prior to coming here and this is what I have gotten. If you have any information about them.. Toxic? That would be...
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