outdoor cage drainage
I would have built it with a screen bottom with wood cross beams on which to sit the plants. Unfortunately (as I have found out in the past with my first large outdoor cage that had a wood bottom) the wood will eventually rot and need to be replaced. Otherwise a nice...
indoor cage drainage
My indoor cham cages were all designed by me and then custom built
about 10 years ago. They are 3' tall, 18" deep, and 2' wide. They are all screen including the bottom. The back and sides extend maybe 8" farther down than the front, which is all door (again aluminum...
If you are building an outdoor enclosure I would recommend using aluminum window screen, with wood 2x2's for the frame. The bottom and top can be aluminum screen. Just use 2x2's across the bottom on which to place your potted plants such as ficus benjamina
or scheflerra. I have a 6'x2.5'x6'...