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  1. Chamster

    How friendly is YOUR chameleon?

    I have this bright iphone case that my veiled hates. whenever I'm on the phone going into my room he puffs up and starts shaking right and left. sometimes he walks to the front of the cage and hisses. VEILDS ARE NUTTSSSSSSSSS. from the experience of owning both veilds and panthers, veilds are...
  2. Chamster

    Update on Philip! :)

    good looking boy ma man. keep it up and he'll become one of those giants!!! feed his a lot of juicy hornworms ;)
  3. Chamster

    Photo shoot! Awesome pictures of Jimmy

    Beautiful chameleon hands down the best i have seen in a long while.
  4. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    Alright thanks.
  5. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    How come no one is answering anything ..... I need some help please I would really appreciate it.
  6. Chamster

    Pics of (Tri) our Mt. K Jacksonii female

    This is my guy getting pissed because I'm moving on the bed just slightly. He wants to bite my face.
  7. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    Ever since I gave the little guy a shower he has been snoring every few minutes like he has a cold or something while breathing. Not sure what that is .....
  8. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    here are some pictures of the little guy in the shower.. and i took a picture of both eyes so they are clear and we can see the difference between both. i noticed today that he stopped curling his tail for some reason but when i took a closer look it was more serious than i thought. He stopped...
  9. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    I put the little guy in the shower and let the warm water bounce off the wall and on to him indirectly. He didn't know what was going on at first since its the first time. He kept flushing his eyes. I runner the one he has a problem with a little bit to free something stuck in there. I did the...
  10. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    Ok I will try that. Thanks a lot
  11. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    The brown has ways been there. I didn't notice it recently or anything. You are right about the eyes though. He's eating two 2" + hornworms every other day and is drinking good. I'm checking his poops and they are as white as snow white. Is there anything else I can do to make the situation...
  12. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    how do i give a shower?? first time i hear about giving a shower to a chameleon... heres the picture. ----look at the first pic please.------
  13. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    Yes I can see the eye and he can see from it because today he spotted me with the eye and turned to bite me so....
  14. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    yes during his sleep. During misting I'm not sure because he runs around hard to spot it. But i will post a picture tomorrow.
  15. Chamster

    one eye open 24/7

    I have a year old male veiled who has an eye problem in one of the eyes. He recently started eating two 2 inch + hornworms daily but i noticed when sleeping one of his eyes is not closing while sleeping. The other eye is closed but the other one seems to have something inside the rim of the eye...
  16. Chamster

    Pictures of your veiled chameleons

    pictures people lets go.....beautiful chameleons out there show yourselves.!
  17. Chamster

    Heat emitters.- who's gottem?

    don't worry guys....i doubt anything will happen. i live in canada which is a lot colder than all of you and i don't use heat emitters at night. i have a male veiled about 8 months old and there is no problem at all. it was about 5 degrees 2 days ago and is not even winter.
  18. Chamster

    Pictures of your veiled chameleons

    awsome chameleons people.....keep it up :)
  19. Chamster


    too much of calcium D i think which makes the bones thinner and weaker... it could also be from chemical imbalance of too much of 1 supplement.
  20. Chamster


    thats not good
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