Yes, everyone seems to be so biased against Canada. I do not live in some igloo, i live right across from the US Detroit border. Canadian borders no longer require permits if you are IMPORTING. If you infact are the exporter you need an importing and exporting license and your CITES permit. All...
Hey i got a humidifier for my screen cage because i needed better humidity, and i was going to try to attach a hose to it so it can go directly in the cage. How long and how many times a day should i put it on? Because ive just been trying to prep my cage and get it ready for my new cham and ive...
Ya i got a exo terra day time light. Still a basking spot but to my knowledge its a lot less intense than a regular basking spot light and it seems to work great the temperature of the basking spot is only 2-3 degrees more than my ambient temp. I am unsure if i am going to use it or not tho...
Well I'm sure they are ligit. They have sent all the documents insurance and everything and the vet and health certificates are coming with them with arrival. They are being shipped tomrrow and arriving early thursday. I only ordered a pair because one i realized how intricate and how much care...
I know their not available in Canada, i have seen pictures of the chams and they are infact montium species. They are coming directly from cameroon itself where they are found. Its pretty insane that i have found a pair. He claims them to be captive bred, hatchling from two specimans of his own...
I need someone's expert advice! I've been searching high and low and calling all the exotic pet stores in my area but no one can give me any solid information on how to care for a young chamaeleo montium species. I am going to be getting a male and a female pair both 4 months of age. I found...