philippe de vosjoli - essnetial care of chameleons
subjects covered: selection and acclimatization, housing, heating, breeding, feeding, diseases and disorders
hahaha. Yeah but for a book... and to still be in print i would expect the information to be credible...
this book has a mini biography about the author and he keeps LOADS of these little guys so forgive me if i defend his information.
Thank you very much for taking the time in explaining this to me. and you are right. The concept of an exotic pet is typically considered 'awesome' and lots of people buy on impulse-which i somewhat did. although, i have the capability to get the supplies i don't already have and still need...
thank you for providing a list... lol I have a 10 gallon tank that i believe i am going to transfer her to. I also have an exo-terra
would that be best for her?
edit: use paypal? they do not have any debit/credit acceptance information like typical online stores have...
lol. no, i dnot live in SC, i live a bit north in central west virginia. Thanks for the offer man :D
Because of my tarantula hobby i have many different types of tanks, enclosures and supplies.
Everything i've read points in the direction i went with her tank. People on this forum are...
most of this information was included in the original post.
* Your Chameleon - metioned
* Handling - picture
* Feeding - reptocal and frukers
* Supplements - reptocal
* Watering - bottled watter and a deli-cup drip
* Fecal Description - no inconsistency noticed
* History - he came from a pet...
I don't mean to seem immediately defensive at these first comments... but jesus!
Everything i've done for this little guy is based off of something i've read. I didn't just throw him into a kritter keeper with a vine. some say pet store employees don't know anything... but the guy i talked...
Hello everyone! I became a member of the chameleon scene when my girlfriend finally listened to me when I said I wanted a chameleon... hahaha.
This is an unsexed veiled chameleon. The little 'guy' is about 4.5-5.5in long in total nose to end-tail length. I believe 'he' is considered a...