veiled chameleon

  1. LLLReptile

    Baby Veiled Chameleons on Sale for $29.99 each!

    Currently available list of Chameleons Baby CB Veiled Chameleons 3 - 4" ON SALE $29.99 each Video Small Veiled Chameleons $59.99 males/ $49.99 females Medium Veiled Chameleons $69.99 males/ $59.99 females Sub Adult Male Veiled Chameleons $79.99 each - On Sale! Adult Male...
  2. LLLReptile

    Growth Rate of Hatchling Veiled Cham

    Hey all! Just wanted to share some pics that show the growth rate of one of our hatchling Veiled Chameleons here at our breeding center. Been posting weekly pics on our Facebook page and thought I would share them all here now that the babies are about big enough to go up for sale. :)...
  3. ReptiGeek

    Gizmo Celebrates First Hatchday!

    Okay this is 2 days late (hatch date is supposed to be September 6, 2012), but better late than never! And we all know what that means when it comes to me, massive photo shoot and upload!!! I took Naboo out for a couple of photos to help Gizmo get nice and fired up, because he literally never...
  4. Azaria

    Bee pollen gutload

    Hey everyone. It's been a long time since my last visit. I have a veil who has been with me for two or more years, and I FINALLY managed to get my hands on some bee pollen. I saw some last year when I was out of town on a fruit stand road trip, but didn't have any money!! Well fruit stand...
  5. LLLReptile

    Baby Veileds for $29.99!

    Currently available list of Chameleons Baby CB Veiled Chameleons 3 - 4" ON SALE $29.99 each Video Small Veiled Chameleons $49.99 each Sub Adult Male Veiled Chameleons $79.99 each - On Sale! Medium Jackson's Chameleons 5 - 7" $69.99 males/ $49.99 females Sub Adult Jackson's...
  6. LLLReptile

    Male Deremensis Chameleons available!

    Currently available list of Chameleons Baby CB Veiled Chameleons 3 - 4" ON SALE $29.99 each Video Small Veiled Chameleons $49.99 each Subadult Male Veiled Chameleons 12 - 14" $79.99 each Medium Jackson's Chameleons 5 - 7" $69.99 males/ $49.99 females Sub Adult Jackson's...
  7. ReptiGeek

    Gizmo, my main man

    The boy who started it all!
  8. andy123

    Viv conversion

    So, i decided a while back that bob (veiled chameleon) really isnt using the size of his cage so ive decided to convert it and get my self a pair of panther chameleons So first up bob himself showing quiet pale colours so this is what Bobs cage orignally was like... and now with 3...
  9. Decadancin

    Zaphod's enclosure Video

    Here's a link to my video showing Zaphod's home. He's real happy with his new Hibiscus, but you'll have to take my word for it. (You can't see much of him in the vid!) If you look real close you can see his tail at the very end (and some other parts :o) Thanks for watching and let me know what...
  10. andy123


    bob decided he'd like to come out today so i got some new pictures of him :)
  11. ReptiGeek

    Just picked these up. Opinions?

    Alright so I have been doing this routine supplement schedule: -Calcium every day -Multivitamins twice a month -Calcium w/ D3 twice a month The multivitamins I was using were completely shunned by Gizmo (veiled chameleon). He refuses to eat his grubs when it's MV day. So I went out and...
  12. ReptiGeek

    My Exo Terra & A few tips!

    Just wanted to show everyone how my veiled chameleon's adult enclosure's setup is coming along. The terrarium is an Exo Terra extra tall and the lighting used is a dual top fluorescent fixture with 35W halogen's and a 10.0 UVB tube (I find Exo Terra's have thicker screen tops so I went with the...

    infertile or bad eggs?

    So it has almost been 5 months since my female veiled laid 35 eggs. I've got them closet incubating and they all seem solid, white, no mold, not yellow, etc. is there anything in specific I should look for for possibly bad eggs? I imagine they should hatch soon, right? I have them in moist...
  14. ReptiGeek

    When to move into adult home

    Hello everyone! So my lil Gizmo (veiled chameleon) is around 3 and a half months old and in his 18x18x24 exo terra. His body is just shy of 4" long. Including his tail I'd say around 7" but it's hard to tell since their tails never sit still! My question is, what size do you think it is...
  15. kendalllarue86

    my jackson's chameleon and my veiled cham

    ive had the jackson about a month now and he's shedding he's just starting to get the rest of his shed off now and i just got the veiled yesterday he's still a lil stressed so im keeping a blanket over him currently to let him get used to his cage
  16. ReptiGeek

    Is this branch safe?

    Okay so I took this branch off of my tree outside. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is to be entirely honest but it grows red maple-leaf-like leaves during bloom. It's small and has remained small for years! I'd say no taller then 9 ft. We've had some hectic wind and this branch was one of the...
  17. asongforyou

    Updates on my kiddos

    Niji is looking more and more awesome each day Ellie is so sweet. I'm beginning to believe that girls are indeed nicer. Russell was just not having it today. :rolleyes:
  18. Goldenarcher1328

    Genetics? How do they work? ( Rather Long Post )

    New theory... NEED OPINIONS!! Alright, I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and finally i have some time to sit down and think this out. To make this simpler, i'll put questions in this color. Genetics. To make this simpler, lets narrow this down to one species: Chamaeleo...
  19. K

    My little Night Crawler is not so little anymore....

    Just showing him off. I am sure everyone understands that is hard not to sow off their cute pets, expecially their chams. :)
  20. O

    Is this a bruise, infection, burn?

    Our female veiled cham has a strange color patch of skin (see pics) this is only on the left half. It stops at her spine, and right at the line down the center of her belly. The left rear leg has this coloration too. She is about 3 yrs old and seems to be doing well other than this. Her...
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