I have an approximately 1.5 year old female veiled who has not become receptive or laid yet. She has had the proper lay bin in her enclosure for about a year and I have read up and am super prepared but she has shown no signs. I’ve heard of them laying once pretty young and not laying again after that but is it normal for a female veiled to just not lay? Or not lay till she’s older?
Photo is from a couple months ago just because…
P.s. yes she is a small girl, she has been to a reptile vet. When I got her she had some digestive issues and malnutrition, since being on anti and probiotics last year she has grown into herself and is still very strong, just little like me!
Photo is from a couple months ago just because…
P.s. yes she is a small girl, she has been to a reptile vet. When I got her she had some digestive issues and malnutrition, since being on anti and probiotics last year she has grown into herself and is still very strong, just little like me!