1 day old *first hatch, sambava*


New Member


More to come later, this is the first one to hatch out as of yet... hopefully the others start sweating soon.
Sorry I missed your photos earlier today - I snuck out of work to make sure the hatching turtles made it all the way to the river. Congrats again, you did a great job! You'll be up to your armpits in babies in no time.
I was thinking male too kent, was showing off a nice U bar earlier before I left for the dog park
let's say it altogether now... "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"! so sweet! I love how their eyes look too big for their heads!
I think I know what I'm doing this weekend! Coming to steal those babies!

I bet you can't wait to be usings tons of pinheads and FFs every day. :eek:
i bought some fruit flys, unfortunately pets inc's 1 weeks were a bit bigger then 1 week...although... he could probably handle the ones on the smaller side.

the others are not even sweating yet , so maybe in a week or two.

i only have 2-3 other eggs that even look like they potentially could hatch soon, the others are still growing in size.

as for the female, unfortunately i lost her on saturday.. she just stopped drinking/eating all my best efforts , i couldn't save her..i tried to make a vet appointment but i just wasn't in time.

the parents.







thanks sandy, that means alot....

BTW , i got both chameleons from sandy gesang at chameleon northwest.

my female was a torch baby, my male is a ratanbe baby.

my female was 2 =( , and my male will be 2.5 years old soon...

my male is 186 grams, and a beast..but never gets aggitated and likes being out.. the female was a fire cracker.. bit the hell outta me.

i can't wait to go home, i could stare at the little guy all day...
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