10.0 or 5.0 Light Bulb?


Established Member
It's time to replace my bulbs and I'm not sure which to get. I think i have a 10.0 on Skittles 24x24x48 cage right now but i don't have the box so I'm not 100% sure. When i got Mr. Freeze I was told his bulbs were alright for a few months but I'm also not sure what he has in his cage (18x18x48). I've heard that the screen from the cage can filter the UVB. Which do you use? If it helps they are both adult panthers. Thanks
I have a 7% D3 arcadia compact :ROFLMAO:

I think 5% will work fine, 10% can be ok if you have a lot of cover in the enclosure between basking spot and lamp...

Opinions differ a lot on this subject but truth of the matter is that people have had success with both...

I know this doesn't help you a lot but I think a good brand of lamp and timely replacements matter more than your choice in 5% or 10%.
I have a 7% D3 arcadia compact :ROFLMAO:

I think 5% will work fine, 10% can be ok if you have a lot of cover in the enclosure between basking spot and lamp...

Opinions differ a lot on this subject but truth of the matter is that people have had success with both...

I know this doesn't help you a lot but I think a good brand of lamp and timely replacements matter more than your choice in 5% or 10%.
I'm a total brand whore, but he's right. a good lamp, and making sure the bulbs are good is more important. I use arcadia
I see a lot of people on this site recommend the 5.0 Reptisun UVB bulb over the 10.0. Why is that?
Yes there are negative effects. However if you have a large enough cage that is heavily planted 10.0 is fine for chameleons who don't react badly to artificial lighting. In my opinion unless you have a really heavily planted enclosure, 10.0 is too dangerous to use.
If you provide a heavily shaded area so your cham can get out of the light at times, it would be fine. I have read much debate on the 5% vs 10% question. Back when I was using the petstore brands, I tried both. Since my case was heavily planted, I opted for the 10%. Then I upgraded to LYR...

Honestly, if you can invest some extra money in your light system, go look at Light Your Reptiles. The Arcadia bulbs are amazing in terms of quality ( they put off more UV and last longer) and aesthetics (much better quality light). If you get a dual fixture with an Arcadia 6% and a 6500k grow light, you'll be absolutely amazed at the difference and the color shift! Well worth the money when you can do it.
6% is way better than the 5.0 or 10.0, but 12% can be used for heavily planted enclosures.
Panthers don't need any more uvb than the other species. It really depends on their skeletal structure and whether they are captive bred or not.
If you provide a heavily shaded area so your cham can get out of the light at times, it would be fine. I have read much debate on the 5% vs 10% question. Back when I was using the petstore brands, I tried both. Since my case was heavily planted, I opted for the 10%. Then I upgraded to LYR...

Honestly, if you can invest some extra money in your light system, go look at Light Your Reptiles. The Arcadia bulbs are amazing in terms of quality ( they put off more UV and last longer) and aesthetics (much better quality light). If you get a dual fixture with an Arcadia 6% and a 6500k grow light, you'll be absolutely amazed at the difference and the color shift! Well worth the money when you can do it.

Although There's a lot of plants at the top, I feel like this is too little planted for a 10.0, is it?


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Although There's a lot of plants at the top, I feel like this is too little planted for a 10.0, is it?

I would go with a 5.0 for that. Your cham would welcome more climbing opportunities, too, so consider adding more branches and vines - or get a pothos plant. They are very easy to care for, usually pretty cheap, and grow long vines that are great for chams.

Also, I see you have a water bottle and dish at the bottom? Most chams won't drink water from a bowl - you will need a dripper or misting system if you don't have one already.
I would go with a 5.0 for that. Your cham would welcome more climbing opportunities, too, so consider adding more branches and vines - or get a pothos plant. They are very easy to care for, usually pretty cheap, and grow long vines that are great for chams.
Would you recommend more plants or a 5.0?
Honestly, if you can invest some extra money in your light system, go look at Light Your Reptiles. The Arcadia bulbs are amazing in terms of quality ( they put off more UV and last longer) and aesthetics (much better quality light). If you get a dual fixture with an Arcadia 6% and a 6500k grow light, you'll be absolutely amazed at the difference and the color shift! Well worth the money when you can do it.

Agree 100%! The difference is amazing. Cage on left below is from LYR and on the right is what was recommended by pet store.
I use 12% bulbs from lyr on my chams but I have very heavily planted enclosures and my panther is in a 2x2x4 setup.
I have never heard of a 10.0 bulb causing problems, only in theory. Considering the habitats of panthers, a 10.0 bulb is still putting out a small amount on UVB, compared the the sunlight they receive. Panthers often occupy coastal scrub, VERY intense sun! You have screen filtering out 30% of the UVB, as well.
Having foliage, so they can decrease or increase their exposure is part of good chameleon husbandry 101.
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