Avid Member
Hello all!
Looks like I’m back after a 10 year break. I see theirs still several names that were here back then, JannB, motherload, ace, and a few others. I am amazed how much information is available now (thanks Bill, for Chameleon academy, and all the other podcasters / social media peeps).
It is cool to see a lot more husbandry information and options, differing opinions . I’m loving all the new research!
I was a Kinyongia lover back in the day, but have had Panthers, Kinyongia Multi, and Mellers. I was planning on getting Kinyongia again, but appears as if they’ve all disappeared from the US. I was thinking I’d be jumping in mid to late 2024, but my son recently asked to get one and my wife obliged. Quite the timing since she didn’t know my intentions and research I had been doing
we will be going with a Jackson for him, and we will cross the bridge of my projects later once I get this all running and going well for some time.
Anyhow, wanted to pop in, say hello and I’ll try and be around / active. Need to say lurking for a bit while I get my own new info and not 10 year old experience
Picture of my old Male Kinyongia Multi that was going to be my breeder, but I sold and got out (dumb reason looking back but it happened ) before I paired them.
Looks like I’m back after a 10 year break. I see theirs still several names that were here back then, JannB, motherload, ace, and a few others. I am amazed how much information is available now (thanks Bill, for Chameleon academy, and all the other podcasters / social media peeps).
It is cool to see a lot more husbandry information and options, differing opinions . I’m loving all the new research!
I was a Kinyongia lover back in the day, but have had Panthers, Kinyongia Multi, and Mellers. I was planning on getting Kinyongia again, but appears as if they’ve all disappeared from the US. I was thinking I’d be jumping in mid to late 2024, but my son recently asked to get one and my wife obliged. Quite the timing since she didn’t know my intentions and research I had been doing

Anyhow, wanted to pop in, say hello and I’ll try and be around / active. Need to say lurking for a bit while I get my own new info and not 10 year old experience

Picture of my old Male Kinyongia Multi that was going to be my breeder, but I sold and got out (dumb reason looking back but it happened ) before I paired them.