12 or 14 hours of light?


New Member
I would like to run my vivariums lighting for 14 hours a day, but I'm worried that if I go over the natural 12 hours of light and 12 hours of no light that it might damage the plants and the animal. Is this right? Can I leave the lights on for 14 hours with out any damage happening?
I run my lights for 13 hours on with no problems. Its not 12/12 in the wild. But changing from 12 to 14 hours do it in steps. Add 30 mins every 3-4 days and I think you will be fine.
14 should be just fine, I think many people do it according to what the sun is by them. I'm also doing 13 now in the summer will probably go to 12 in the winter
My only concern now is the plants. I have no animals in the vivarium. Can I change from 12 to 14 hours or do I have to do the 30 minute increments, even though I just have the plants to worry about?
My only concern now is the plants. I have no animals in the vivarium. Can I change from 12 to 14 hours or do I have to do the 30 minute increments, even though I just have the plants to worry about?

Plants don't care what you do. They'd probably do fine with light 24/7.
Flowering plants require a 12/12 cycle. Sprouts or regular plants will usually do just fine with a 24hr light cycle. 14hrs of light is perfectly fine for lots of plants. Actually, you start most plants on a 24hr on cycle, cutting back to 20/4, 18/6, 14/10 and down to 12/12 to begin flowering. Or similar cycle. As long as they aren't already flowering or aren't the type to, you can immediately switch.
I didn't know there was such a big deal with how much late you gave them! Good to know. Thanks. Flowering plants isn't what a lot of people care about necessarily. At least for me, as long as it's healthy enough and growing then I'm good with it. As long as the cham is happy, I am too.
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