1yr. old female refuses to lay her 3rd clutch


New Member
I have a one year old female veiled.
I noticed her showing signs of wanting to lay so I set up her cage as before and it has been close to 3 weeks and she still wont lay. She won't even test dig...Only difference from the other 2 times is now I have an air screen cage and have tried a bin that measured almost the exact dimentions as the bottom of her cage. Last night I went out and purchased a medium sized garbage can...she crawled around a bit and tried to climb out but then soon tired out and slept there for the night. Today when I awoke, she was in the exact same spot so I gave her a means to climb out if she wanted and sure enough, thats the first thing she did. I came home from work and planted one of her live plants in the garbage can and she immediatly climbed out again...strangely enough, she has regained her appetite and takes water as well. The prior 2 times she layd her eggs she wouldn't take anything until after she had layed. How long is too long for her to carry around her eggs? I'm sure it varied by species and individual, but I am starting to worry a bit.
Poor girl. :( only one year old and already three clutches of eggs? I'm attaching a link below so you can hopefully reduce the amount of clutches by feeding her less and keeping her cooler.

Many of the females die from egg problems and live a shorter life than the males. If you get her to the vet in time a vet can give oxytocin to induce egg laying before she becomes egg bound. Several injections of oxytocin over several days might be needed. If she still doesn’t lay the eggs surgery is the only other alternative. Surgery is very risky but at this point it’s the only choice. If your female is healthy and your husbandry is right she shouldn't become egg-bound unless she has a reproductive system deformity, deformed eggs, etc.

Yeah, 3 is a LOT for one year old. Hopefully she is older, and you just don't know. Six clutches for a veil is considered the 'death sentence.' If you can find the money, maybe get her spayed. Try feeling her belly and make positive you can feel eggs. If yes and no results soon, pm me and I will try and help you further.
We were told she was 4 months old when we bought her. But then again, we were also told that she was a HE--lol In mid-August will be exactly 1 year that we have had her. So you guys think she may be older due to this being her 3rd clutch? She was barely the length of one of my fingers snout to vent when we got her. We noticed she was growing rapidly then for the last 4 months or so she has retained her size. Her shedding slowed dramaticly too. She is an otherwise healthy girl. She has become much more of an enjoyable pet since putting her in a 24x24x48 reptibreeze. That was about a month and a half ago. Previously she laid clutches in a converted gun cabinet and a smaller exoterra(sp)?...Should I go back to the more shallow tub? She layed in one slightly less deep when it was at the bottom of her guncage enclosure and prior th that we just filled the exoterra with sand. She currently has 8 to 10" to dig through with the garbage can where as before in the other two enclosures there was maybe 5-6" of sand...I created man made tunnels the previous 2 time but she only partially used them (she would explore and partially cave them in but then dug out and used the same area)...maybe I should try that again??
Sounds like your doing Everything right if shes laid the first two succesfully.That's ALOT of laying though in such a short time of being sexually mature She should only realistically be on her 1st clutch. Try the oxytocin route if it doesn't work out soon. Definately reduce her temps and food intake so she doesn't lay another clutch for a long time. She's gonna need some time for her body to recover from pumping out all those clutches. Don't mean to scare you but I've lost a female panther to this very scenario in the past. They will literally pump out clutches of eggs until they drop dead if food/conditions are right.
We are looking good now I think!! Yesterday when I came home from work, she was hard at work digging her tunnel. Later that evening she was backed into her tunnel laying her eggs (I assume) She was still laying when I awoke this morning. I expect that by the time I get home tonight she will be up in her climbing vines and awaiting some much needed protein and calcium and water! Woo Hoo!!!
Big clutches. You may want to try to slow her down a bit. After she lays this clutch I would feed her well for a couple of days and then cut back on the feeding so you are not starving her but not overseeing her. It seems to lower the clutch size and some of them will even stop laying altogether. I also keep the basking temperature a little lower to slow the metabolism.

Hope by the time you read this she has laid her eggs!
Got home and she had laid her eggs!!! Very hungry and thirsty (as expected). She looks much better too! Thanks to all for the advice!
Got home and she had laid her eggs!!! Very hungry and thirsty (as expected). She looks much better too! Thanks to all for the advice!
Let us know when the adorable little babies arrive!! And yes, that is WAY too many for her to have had already at a year old. Maybe spaying her would be a good option if she had enough trouble for you to be concerned this time. Egg bound is sadly always a possibility for females. :(
Sorry, she has never been with another...not sure we could handle it if many survived to hatch! :)
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Here she is getting her vitamin D on!!!

Well deserved playtime outside after getting fed and re-hydrated after laying her 3rd clutch on a nice 80+ degree day here in the Seattle!!! Thanks again to all for the advice!:):):D:D


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