2 Dogs In Battle outside my house


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I just wanted to let my anger and thoughts out on an event outside my house.

Here it goes:

I was happily watching Sherlock Holmes when i heard a couple of guys screaming and shouting outside. So i quickly paused good old Sherlock and rushed to my window.
And sure enough, there were 2 guys, and 2 dogs. The dogs looked like staffie's or pit bulls. The 2 dogs were on the verge of killing each other for 10 mins and they just would part from each other. The 2 guys were doing everything in there power to get these dogs to separate.... they were kicking them and punching them until the guys ran out of energy. After 5 minutes or so, i called the police as i thought this really isn't ideal. The guys were covered in blood and so were the dogs, and so was the pavement.
After 10 minutes of this madness, one of the guys disappears and returns with an object (i couldn't see what it was), but when his dog saw him returning, he let go of the other dog and ran home.

The police turned up around 10 minutes later.

I just wanted to say, that it is the most disturbing thing i've seen. It was horrible to see, and it was made me feel pretty sick.
That's really unfortunate. I recent had one of my small dogs get attacked by a pitbull puppy, and it was terrible. The puppy didn't seem like he was trying to kill my small dog, so he only walked away with only neck wounds and a dislocated/broken leg. It was awful to watch none-the-less.

$4500 in vet bills later, my dog is fine and can use his leg.
I had a pitbull charge me and my fiance walking our dachshunds we lucky snatched them up and just at the right second I kicked as hard as I could and hit the poor misguided pit In the jaw probably breaking it and causeing an immediate retreat.. I felt bad wishing It was the owners jaw to suffer but my doxies are 100% my children
That is so sad. I want even walk my dog in our neighborhood because several people around here have pits.
I just wish people were better owners! The poor dogs would be perfect with the right training.
I had a pitbull charge me and my fiance walking our dachshunds we lucky snatched them up and just at the right second I kicked as hard as I could and hit the poor misguided pit In the jaw probably breaking it and causeing an immediate retreat.. I felt bad wishing It was the owners jaw to suffer but my doxies are 100% my children

That must of been intense...
I just wish people were better owners! The poor dogs would be perfect with the right training.

I have pits that live behind me that have come at me and several people in the neighborhood before. I tend to carry my 9mm gun when I am outside now... I love dogs as you can tell by my name.... but I will not hesitate if someone or another pet are in danger of them.

However I have an awesome Pit that lives in front of my and I even take him for walks without his owner. Not all Pits are bad... but there are a lot of people that do not train dogs properly or bring this type of behavior out in them.
I have pits that live behind me that have come at me and several people in the neighborhood before. I tend to carry my 9mm gun when I am outside now... I love dogs as you can tell by my name.... but I will not hesitate if someone or another pet are in danger of them.

However I have an awesome Pit that lives in front of my and I even take him for walks without his owner. Not all Pits are bad... but there are a lot of people that do not train dogs properly or bring this type of behavior out in them.

I know what you mean. I know quite a few pits and pit mixes that are perfectly behaved dogs! It only takes a responsible owner. It's so sad that so many owners just don't care to put in the effort.

The same could be said about small dogs too though. I know more mean, little dogs than I do large dogs. Some are little demons!
I know what you mean. I know quite a few pits and pit mixes that are perfectly behaved dogs! It only takes a responsible owner. It's so sad that so many owners just don't care to put in the effort.

The same could be said about small dogs too though. I know more mean, little dogs than I do large dogs. Some are little demons!

You sure got that right about little dogs. I can't count the times I have been bit by them. But since they do not do as much damage they tend to not get reported. BTW I am so glad you little dog made a great recovery! :)
That's horrible! Next time, grab a hose or a bucket of water. Or a airhorn if you have one. My dog trainer used to train wolves for different things and gave us a quick lesson on how to break up dog-fights without getting yourself hurt. So for a while we used to go to the dog park with an airhorn in our pocket, which came in handy once or twice (not with anything my dogs were involved with, thankfully.) But yea, a loud noise like that or water will usually snap dogs out of it completely.

People get powerful dogs and then don't know how to handle them. It's a shame. I know that I couldn't, so I'll stick with my really docile shelties. But other people should have the sense to know what they can or can't handle training.
Me too! He got his splint off a couple weeks ago, and the pins they used to set his foot are settling nicely. He's back to being himself.
thats why i like herps and birds. dogs are a major problem in this country and i dont see why people are putting a ban on birds and snakes when irresponsible people with dogs and cats cause far more damage to people, property, and the environment than any herp or bird ever has OR EVER WILL.

when i was 13 i was walking home from the bus stop after school. all of a sudden i see a black lab mix run up from behind me and jump on my friends back. it went for the back of his neck but bit down on his back pack strap. just then i feel a tug on my leg and saw a chow latched onto my calf muscle. i was full of adrenaline so i didnt feel anything yet. i just kicked the dog and started running/limping home. my friend just ditched his backpack in the lab's jaws and helped me get inside.
........ later at the hospital half my calf was hanging off my leg and a small chunk of muscle was gone. after a butt-ton of stitches i went home and missed a week of school resting with my leg elevated and doing physical therapy.(to this day i still get horrible leg cramps in my left calf from all the damage, and a big scar around my calf).

the next day my mom called the owner and all he had to say was "well your son's a big kid cant he take care of himself?" needless to say we sued his ass and the chow was put to sleep because it turns out this wasnt the first incident with that dog. it had attacked other animals in the past.

it might sound weird but we were all thankful i was there and i got the most of it because my friend was a tiny lil kid only 4 and 1/2' tall and less than a hundred pounds at the time (and he was a few months older than me...lol) if both those dogs got ahold of him it woulda been far worse than a ripped backpack.
Unfortunately Pits are/can be very dog on dog aggressive. Most if not all of them are very social towards humans and make very loving pets.

A lot of other dogs are dog on dog aggressive, but no1 seems to notice since these are small breed dogs that can be controlled easily like Chiwawa, Yorkies and other small Terriers. But with the strength and stature of a Pit there is a larger risk of the owner loosing control and accidents like this happening ( this seemed to clearly be an unfortunate accident, since it did seem like the owners were risking life and limb to separate the dogs.

That being said. Any potentially aggressive animal is in most cases a product of it's owner. Raise your pit well and there will be no stigma.
I just wish people were better owners! The poor dogs would be perfect with the right training.

i completely agree...one of my exes had 3 pits and only one was mean because they had adopted it, the other two were raised from pups and they were the friendliest dogs i have ever seen...were good with all small animals and even babies..
I second Olimpia's suggestion: if such a thing happens again, get the hose. The idiots that were kicking and hitting the dogs were not doing what needed to be done, they were encouraging the dogs to fight.

Stupid owners cause mean dogs....
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