2 knees

phil the cham

New Member
my chameleon is about 2-4 months old and underneath his knee it looks like he has another one does anyone know if it is normal or not?
Can you post a picture of what you're referring to? They should only have one "knee" per leg. If there is a bone deformity in his leg it's likely a sign of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) what kind of supplement schedule are you using and do you have a uvb light, if so, what kind?
Yes, a photo is needed. If your chameleon has a "double knee" or very round joint, it could be metabolic bone disease, a condition caused by lack of proper calcium and D3 in the diet/environment.

Look at this post and see if this is what you are seeing:


If MBD is the problem, the damage is not reversible but your cham can still live a healthy life. We can help you sort out nutrition and supplements.
this is a picture of his knee
g yfvgb

hear might be some better photos


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Yea, you need a vet.

It looks like your cham has MBD.

The extra bends shown in the front arm,and the back leg are breaks or bends that should not be there.

this means there is not enough calcium in the body to supply to the bones to keep them from breaking.

You need a vet to determine what the caclium levels are at.

You mgiht be able to reverse some of the damage done, but without a vet, it will get worse, and soon it can affect the jaw, and eventually it leads to death.

also, I think you have a female, from the shape of the casque and the fact that at that size you should see yellow barring if it was male, which is another issue, as females need calcium to lay eggs (*bred or not, they still lay).
From the picture I'd say that is a broken limb. I would recommend you get him to a reptile vet for a complete checkup. I would also suggest filling out this form and bringing it with you so you can help the vet with some basic care info...
I can't be sure from the picture, but that's what it looks like to me.
There is probably not much you can do for a break. The bones become brittle and break and then start to heal. I would get her to a vet and have xrays done on all the limbs and see how bad it is. It could already be healed and is now deformed. Please read up on the link I provided for you and take your chameleon to a vet. She has MBD in all her limbs. If you could post some brighter and more clear pictures of the back of the back heels we can tell if you have a male or female for sure. I am leaning towards female, but in that one pic it looks as if there might be a tarsal spur on the back heel, which would mean you have a male.
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