2 new additions!


New Member
We are now the proud owners of 2 Green Iguanas,1 male and 1 female called Timmy and Princess.
My 2 Chams have caught sight of them by spying in the top corner of their cage with their heads pressed against the side at what looks like a very awkward angle!!
They lost interest after a while.I was sure they couldnt see them....damn them crazy eyes! ha ha.
Will post pics of the 2 newbies with updated pics of my growing Chams..well,the female is growing but the male has hardly grown at all since we got them in May aged 6 weeks.starting to suspect the male isnt a veiled as his "shark fin",as we lovingly call it,is hardly noticable and hes a dwarf.
I know males are smaller than females but its very very noticable that Phillippe is eeny weeny tiny little man.The female is almost treble his size yet they both eat the same ammounts,shed regular and quickly and are both in good health.Strange......:eek:
Male Veiled becomes larger than the females. And a question. Do you keep your chams together?
Sorry ,yes the opposite of what i just said!
Get so confused as we named them for male and female and had confirmed later the female had the male name and vice versa.I still call Terence a he.

They arent housed together anymore due to the coming of age to sexual maturity in the next month or so.
Males are typically quite a bit larger than females (by several inches in adults).
Are you sure you have them sexed right?
Are they housed together? At 3 to 4 months old, which they are now, I believe, they need to be housed seperately from now on.
I've seen 4 and 5 month old veileds that looked like they should be 5 or 6 weeks old. The reason was being housed with others too long and stressing out....competing for food, sleeping and basking spots etc.
Have you got pictures of them?
Congrats on the Iguanas.....hope you have a lot of space!
The recommended size of enclosure for an adult iguana is approximately the size of a small bedroom. (in fact people have converted bedrooms into iguana enclosures) Iguanas are the lizards most taken to reptile shelters or in some other way abandoned because the owners didn't plan, and the lizard got too big.

Thanks Brad.
We have plenty of space as they have a 2 meter length by 1.8 meter high unit to live in until they are tamer and can be moved into their own pre planned room.
We live in a 120 sq meter house with just the dog and lots of spare space!!!
From the moment we moved in the 2spare room2 was already the iguanas room.
All is well but now for the taming fun to begin while they are still small enough not to cause any serious harm to man nor beast! lol
At the moment they are 8 weeks old and approx 35-40cm and the male is very fiesty.Joy!

Im starting to feel like a lion tamer at a zoo!
I'm glad to hear you have planned for their space requirements.
As for the Veileds...something is not right.
Can you post pictures?

Cant attatch the photos for some reason off my computer.There are pictures crap but still,in the gallery of Terence the grand and Phillippe.
Size wise to give you an idea terences body including tail is approx 14cm and Phillippe is 10cm long.Quite a substantial difference when they are compared but both are doing well and are healthy.
The only thing that is strange is that Phillipe the dwarf loves very little else than a gallon of fruit flies with only 10 tiny baby calcium sprinkled crickets and seems to have a mighty appetite for the afore mentioned food.
I was thinking (for some reason) they were smaller.
The sizes actually sound okay to me.
It sounds like they are just growing at a different pace...I bet he'll catch up!

I think Terence may just be a Chunky Monkey!!
It may also be that Terence has secretly been snorting Miracle Gro and its not traces of calcium powder i sometimes find in the domain!!:D
My first chameleons were a pair of veileds. The female grew way faster than the male for the first 6 months or so. Eventually of course he caught up and surpassed her size, but for a long time I wondered if he ever would!
They certainly are strange but addictive creatures i had to stop myself buying more tiny babies yesterday!!
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