2014 Fantasy Football @ Chameleon Forums

It's lonely at the top.

I'm calling you out, Rachelle!

Hope the RAWRchelle Raptors are prepared to stay in spot #7 because that is EXACTLY what's going to happen! Tremble before the awesome losing power of the Bludgeoners!


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Well I do have RAWRchelle picked as the winner but if you swap out your Bye player I just might change my mind.
I'm calling you out, Rachelle!

Hope the RAWRchelle Raptors are prepared to stay in spot #7 because that is EXACTLY what's going to happen! Tremble before the awesome losing power of the Bludgeoners!

No way, im going to totally win this one..........raptors cannot be bludgeoned.

Well I do have RAWRchelle picked as the winner but if you swap out your Bye player I just might change my mind.

Hey, don't be giving advice! I need all the help I can get.

Uncle Rico: How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?

Being my first season of ever playing ff, it is weird cheering for other teams. Whoever created it, had something. Makes Sundays a whole new animal for me. I have to say it is weird to watch Baltimore and Pitt and want results. Feels dirty. But, I am getting the hang of it. Just wish, Yahoo hadn't locked me out the first two weeks and saved my Philli defense the week I signed them. Randomly decides when it wants to take my password. I would have three more wins. (Yahoo hates me!!!!) :D
Got it, nevermind. #1 vs #4 and #2 vs #3. Then winners play. Good luck and may the best eunuch win.
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