24x24x48 definitive for a pather???


New Member
Hi, I´m new in the forum and with chameleons, I want to know if a 24x24x48 cage would be a definitive cage for panthers? I currently have a Reptibreeze small to keep a panther while his young, and at 9 months and change him.

I will soon buy him, I recently ordered lots of stuff for a chameleon.

Thank you:)
Welcome, 23x24x48 is the usual size for 9 months +. If you feel you want to go over the care before you get him just to doublecheck we can post a form for you! Goodluck.
Like Karma said, 2'X2'X4' is the suggested size for an adult panther. Sometimes people have kept them fine in a 2'X2'X3'. It really depends on the cham, but like said above, and what I've said, 2'X2'X4' is the best size to go with.

like everyone else said, 2x2x4 is the recommended size for panthers as they are a larger cham, with some males reaching over 18 inches long.
of course, bigger is ebtter, but a minimum of 2x2x4 is needed for males.
Females are usually ok in a 2x2x3 cage as they are smaller, but again, bigger is better.
Thank you all for your answers I´ll buy a 24x24x48, but first in the one he´s gonna be, do I need to use 2.0 and 5.0 ubv bulbs or just the 5.0?

Thank you :)
You dont need multiple uvb bulbs in a smaller cage.
You probably wont need multiple bulbs in the big cage, but if the cage is densly filled with plants, you might.
use the 5.0
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