2x2x4 plant???


New Member
So I am upgrading to a 2x2x4 cage here soon. I am going to have a fake tree next to it with vines connecting it to the open cage. I have a schefflera in my smaller cage right now filling it up. I feel like the schefflera is more of a bush like plant which was good for my current cage but I would like a more sturdy branch like plant that cant spread through out the cage. I could use a hibiscus but I have been having trouble finding a hibiscus that is an in between size between small and huge. Any other suggestions that people have had success with?? any and all ideas would greatly help!
It took me forever to find the "right" size hibiscus! You could always get some branches and dry the out. You could also trim a large hibiscus maybe, just keep looking ;)
I use "Song of India" trees. They are a type of dreacena, seem to hold up well. Lots of sturdy branches to crawl around.

Sorry its sideways, got it off my phone
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I'm in the same situation. Just received my 2x2x4 ft cage today. Picked up an 18 inch ficus and a 2 foot Umbrella plant. Would love to have something else with a little more sturdier limbs.

Good luck and keep us updated on yor build!!
thats a beautiful tree! i have never seen it before though so i feel like i may have a hard time finding it. but then again i dont spend a WHOLE lot of time in plant stores or the plant section of home depot/lowes ;p how much did it cost to get that one?
I have 3, the oldest is about 8 mo old. I think I paid about 30.00 at a small indy nursery.
And in Santa Barbara.
I love watching them crawl in and around the branches!, but I do need to add more vines to it. Looking at the picture it seems a little bare!

P.S. I have seen them at Lowes/home depot
well I know where I am making a little trip to tomorrow lol I hope the Lowes here has a good nursery
So I am upgrading to a 2x2x4 cage here soon. I am going to have a fake tree next to it with vines connecting it to the open cage. I have a schefflera in my smaller cage right now filling it up. I feel like the schefflera is more of a bush like plant which was good for my current cage but I would like a more sturdy branch like plant that cant spread through out the cage. I could use a hibiscus but I have been having trouble finding a hibiscus that is an in between size between small and huge. Any other suggestions that people have had success with?? any and all ideas would greatly help!

What type of schefflera do you have? I have scheffleras in two of my large cages, and they fill them out perfectly for each situation.

One of my chams is a very adept hunter, so I got a really wide schefflera for her and it fills out her cage completely. It's like a mini jungle in there, and she loves it!

For my other caged cham, he's more of the type to eat whenever he happens to stumble upon a cricket/roach/etc. So for him I found a schefflera that provides sufficient foliage, but doesn't cover all the walls of the cage so the feeders can't hide very well.

I got both of those scheffleras at Home Depot for 10 bucks each, and they are working out very well for me. I just use vines and branches for extra sturdiness.
That is what mine looks like but mine is a little more thinned out so it would fit to the cage better. It fills the cage out well but I want something he can go through and hang out in instead having to go over it. He never ever goes in to the plant just over and around it. So he is basically only on the fake vines i put throughout the cage and on the flimsy longer branches poking out of the plant. I want something more branchier instead of how bush like my schefflera is right now, if you know what i mean
I have a schefflera in all my cages. They are huge and fill out the cage completely. I got them from home depot. It gives my chams a lot of cover. So much so that I can't find them sometimes!!!
Btw...I have a pothos plant that I hang at the top of the cage so he can climb around like u mentioned.
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