3 1/2 month old veiled doesn't mind me outside his cage?


So my 3 1/2 month old male veiled is somewhat freaked about me in his cage. He usually doesn't hiss or turn black, just walks away from my hand. With some clever manuevering I can get him to walk onto my other hand. Wierd thing is, once he's on my hand he's not scared of me and loves to walk all over my shirt and up onto my hair. Is this normal? Also, he doesn't recognize anything as food outside of his cage. While I'm holding him he's almost always a nice light green. Any ideas?
Thats a good thing! My boy is just the same :) I can even give him kisses most of the time. :D

Its usually a hit or miss with getting one thats a sweetheart. Ive seen and heard of a few male veilds being pretty aggro. We're just one of the lucky ones! Enjoy the love!
Mine was very territorial with his cage. But as he aged he became more and more calm and confortable with me. Now he comes in my hand with no stress at all!
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