3-4 month panther diet


New Member
what is the best diet i can feed him and whats the best gut load for that insect.

are baby hornworms to big?

was gonna get 500 roaches for him, is this a good idea?
are they easily kept?

i appreciate all knowledge and links to products.

casto is currently munching on small crickets with flukers high calcium cricket diet.
Get the flukers out and gutload with greens amd fruits. Do a search and you will find many threads about gutloading. A variety is best to feed your Cham but buy in small quantities first because they can be pIcky like my little guy.
alright, flukers is out.
already had fruit in, workn on the veggie

pretty tempted to order alot of roaches but i could see him disappointed. he sure loves to hunt his food.

any of these dried out gut loads on here a good buy?

ty for info
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