3 inch cham, is cage size ok?


New Member
I have a 3 inch Mt Meru Jackson chameleon. I have him in a 18x18x18 screen terrarium. There is one ficus tree that covers the entire area of the cage. I also have other branches for him to climb on. Will he be able to find his food source? I am feeding him fruit flys, I figure just put a lot in there so he has plenty around him and doesnt have to move around too much.

I just got him tonight, so he hasnt eaten for me yet...or drank. He fell asleep as soon as I turned the lights off so I'll have to wait until tommarow.
I used to stick a piece of fruit on a branch y- and the fruit flys would go to it - when my jackson was a baby.
Good advice from kp, if their is enough food around your cham will hunt. Keeping them confined to an area as kp said makes it easier for them and gives you peace of mind.
When your cham gets a little older, blue bottle flies work wonders. They move a lot and stick around the lights at the top of the enclosure. Perfect for easy pickin's :D
Xephyr, don't you battle with batching them? I either have 1000 flies or none?
Yeah I have little cups I keep in the fridge for about a month at a time for about 300 flies. I just pour like 50 at a time into a little bun with the top off in the enclosure and hope they all hatch... half the time only 1/3 to 2/3 do. Almost never all of them.
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