3 month old male ambilobe panther


Hello everyone! My name is Aubrey. I'm a new member and a first-time chameleon owner. I've had my chameleon for about a week now and absolutely love him. I was told he is an ambilobe and that he is roughly 3 months old. He already has really pretty colors for being so young and is extremely friendly- has not opened his mouth once in defense and will hand-feed all the time. He is about 5 or 6 inches long. I think I'm going to name him Kiwi. I just wanted to introduce ourselves and see what everyone thinks. I'm really curious as to what his coloring will look like when he matures. Here are a few pictures showing different colorations of him now.
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First off, welcome to the forums. You will be amazed at the expertise of some members on here and loads of help people can offer on here. So you have found the best source possible for chameleons right here :). Absolutely gorgeous boy, looks great :). Goodluck with him and welcome!! Look forward to seeing his progress over the next few months
He looks amazing! I can't believe how much color he has already. He has as much/more color than my male did at 5 or 6 months. It would be awesome if you would post a picture every month or so so we can see how he colors up.
Hi and welcome to the forums! He is a colorful little fellow! I don't know where you got him from, but hopefully you were told all the right lighting and things you need to raise a happy and healthy chameleon. If you look to your left in the box under Navigation you will see a link that says "Care Resources" Click on that, then "caresheets" and then "Panther Chameleons". It will give you everything you need to know. Congrats and keep us updated with pictures.
Petco in Kernersville ordered him for me. I believe he was shipped from California. I bought him there because they were having a reptile event and I was able to get him for half price ($150) I just posted a new update on him! labeled "Update on Kiwi (male panther)" check it out! he's looking great
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