3+ Month old Panther cage


Can a cage be too big for a baby chameleon? I am currently building a 4'x30"x18" cage and would like to know if it is too big. I always hear bigger is better for chameleons but just dou le checking.

Thank you
Well a small/young chameleon will have a harder time finding food in a larger enclosure... But if you keep that in mind I don't see why you would have to let em grow up in a smaller enclosure.

I would do cupfeeding rather than free range so he knows where to get his chow.
Thats what i was thinking. Sounds like a good move to me. Just curious, do the babies in the wild not move around often? I have always wondered why we assume they will not find any food.
Thats what i was thinking. Sounds like a good move to me. Just curious, do the babies in the wild not move around often? I have always wondered why we assume they will not find any food.

Just more space for the feeders to hide. Small feeders plus big cage equals unfair hide and go seek advantage ;)
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