3 shy babies

Hello everyone. I want to ask you guys why do you think some veiled babies get shy? I have 3 that are really shy and will do anything to not have me see them. Then when i held one of them today he was going nuts trying to jump out of my hands and all. Then when i put him in the bin..he went to the bottom. He started this today. Any ideas?
Prolly just their personality.
Pepper did that when I first got her and she still does ocassionaly.

I found that if I take her and not let her see her viv she wont try to desperatly jump off my hand and try to get to it.
Sounds like you have a normal chameleon that doesn't like being handled. Don't expect them all to have the same lovely disposition as Clea.
It'll piss it off. Like Syn said, it is normal.

As for the chams that literally jump out of your hands, don't try to transport them to another container without be cautious.
Totally natural behavior Stefan. This is actually just their survival instict kicking in. In the wild they will become prey to anything bigger than them... so you can understand why they would be programmed to be deathly affraid of a giant coming into their world to pick them up.

There is a chance they will mellow at as they get older... But each one is an individual, and some are more flighty than others. I would have my money on the flighty ones being the survivors in the wild.

Give them the space they need to be comfortable, pressuring interaction when they are like this will just make them more fearfull of you.

Totally natural behavior Stefan. This is actually just their survival instict kicking in. In the wild they will become prey to anything bigger than them... so you can understand why they would be programmed to be deathly affraid of a giant coming into their world to pick them up.

There is a chance they will mellow at as they get older... But each one is an individual, and some are more flighty than others. I would have my money on the flighty ones being the survivors in the wild.

Give them the space they need to be comfortable.


Thanks a ton Joe. They have enough space to relax. They are separated into bins and a cage so no more climbing on heads like last month.
Do you think handling the shy ones will do anything?

Prolly stress them out.
The only reason I handle Pepper is cuz I give her medicine every day, she caught a URI from fuego,but I found she does calm down when she cant see her viv and I dont do anything to restrict her movement and she seems to start
to realize im not going to hurt her and she'll calm down, but you still got to be very cautious and slow about your movements.

And I agree with color cham unless they absolutely NEED to be handled I wouldnt handle them, they arent scared to jump from 6ft and thats reason enough to never pick them up unless you have to.
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