4 babies born today!

Shawn Orton

New Member
Hi all.

This morning my Bradypodion Damanarum had 4 babies, and it looks as though she might still be carrying one or 2!

First pic is of her & the rest of the babies.

I will get some true pinheads tomorrow morning as the smallest crikets I have seem just a tad too big for them.

I am sure that I will be asking the Bradypodion masters many more questions in the coming days.

Currently I have the babies in a 4litre tub in the bottom of my Exo-terra so as to keep the humidity up.
Temps are 26c & humidity between 60-70.
Is this in the right range for babies?



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She will probably drop a few more sac's out. Humidity is perfect, at night you can go a little higher 80 - Great job momma!
momma dying!

Sad news I am afraid.
Last night it looked as though she might still drop a baby or 2, but this morning she was lying on the floor of the cage.
She was pitch black with white splotches & only breathed every now and again.
She drank about 4 drops of water from a dropper & I gently placed her on a couple of branches. About 10 minutes later there was no discernable movement, but I just left her as is, maybe a miracle happens.

She was very healthy looking and acting for the time that I had her, & she had a very good appetite up until the day before the birth.
Maybe the birth process was just too much for her?

My son is distraught as she was his favorite of the 3 chameleons and he loved caring for her.
At least we have some of her offspring to remind us of her.

Will keep posting updates on the babies.
Why would you say so kinyonga? Is it common for the species or livebearers in general?

I am of the opinion that bearing live babies must have more of a drain on the mother than dropping eggs.
Any other opinions or maybe factual experiences?

Once again thanks for all the wonderful info on this forum.
Eish Shawn, that suck man. But nice one on the babies!

Afterbirth, placentas etc. can cause complications. Almost impossible to know for certain. She may even have had some further babies inside her so if she passes away you way want to try get them out as quickly as possible. Its a long shot but worth a try.

My damaranum babies have just hit 3 months so give me a shout if you need anything (I'm in Seapoint).

Keep them out of this heat, my runt took a heavy knock yesterday so I've got him in the coldest part of the house till the heat wave passes.
Congrats with the babies!

Sorry about the female I hope she recovers.
How big was she?

I have a female aswell but she is cape dwarf and I dont know when she is going to have babies, she does look quite fat though but I dont know whats happening? She has slowed down eating this past week.
She used to eat like 5 crickets from my hand and now she doesnt eat from my hand but if I put them in her cage she eats like 1 or 2.
Where did you get the damaranums?

Good luck with the babies
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Thanks Chameleonneeds.

The female was a total length of 16cm.
From the first pic you can see she was quite fat, however I could not see the "marbles" that people see in the veileds etc. when very gravid.

She did slow down eating a couple of days prior and she was also on the bottom of the cage a lot. I have some rocks in the bottom of the cage & it was as if she was trying to dig?

She came from Somerset West, found on a dumpsite. They are very prolific in the George/Mosselbaai area as well.

My 2 cape dwarf's really prefer flies to crickets, so now I am going to try and start a colony of houseflies, hopefully less smelly than crickets!

I just hope the 4 babies make it.
OK sounds good man.

I think I have been to Somerset but isnt that in the Western Cape? (sorry if im wrong, but there is a somerset in the western cape).
I was right in Knysna before and found no damaranum but now I hear they are in George in quite large numbers, dont know if I will ever be down there but if I am I will be on the look out for them.

I hope the babies go well with you.

I wish I could get damaranum they are one of my favourites.
mommie is dead

Well last night when I got home she was dead.
I really hoped she would make it but it was not to be.

Now to do my best with the babies & get them all grown up.
Such a drag getting anything you need really quickly, in South Africa.

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