40gallon breeder for feeders


New Member
I have been thinking about housing a small Dubai colony in the tank. My question is if it's big enough to split tank and breed something else on other side? If so what would work? Something easy? Any worms? It would be for a young new Cham.
I would not use a 40 gal breeder for any insect actually. Dubia's like any roach like things dark so a glass tank would not be appropriate. Add to that it would be cumbersome to clean. While Dubia's are easier to keep than crickets they do need to have the enclosure cleaned out periodically and it would just be easier if you go with a large plastic storage tub. Dubia also like it hot to breed successfully. I keep a ceramic heat emitter over my colony. I would not try to keep any other insects in the same container. They all have very specific requirements. The worms are all larval stages of other bugs, silks and horns both pupate into a cocoons that have different requirements to turn into moths. Same with supers and other worms.
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