5 minute diy shooting gallery

5 minute shooting gallery


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So I used a black plastic food container. Bought a 10 pack at target for $7 dollars and needed them anyway.

Cut a big square out leaving about 2.5 inches at bottom so feeder can't escape.

Took 1/4 water line (standard tubing like kind that comes with a mistking or other mister) and cut a slit in it to cover thin plastic edges where I cut.

Took a small drill bit and tapped 7 holes in the container edges. 3 along bottom and each side like shown it the crappy diagram I drew 😂

Secured tightly with twist tie.


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By the way this is exactly what to chameleons does. If you look close at theirs (atleast from photos I've seen) they are literally just take out containers with a hole cut and with thumb tacks integrated. They also only put protection on one of the rough edges that could scrape the cham.

This is what I've seen only from photos so someone correct me if I'm off base with my assessment.
Nice! My biggest concern was the sharp edges; glad you took care of that with the tubing (y)
If you look at photo they only even cover one edge but looks like theirs is a bit cleaner of a cut. If you want to make a cut that leaves a smoother edge to begin with cut it with a hot knife. Should prevent burs and leave a better edge.


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The actual Shooting Gallery has very smooth edges to prevent foot and tongue injuries. It also has a covered edge for them to grip and stand.

Did you let them know? They would have sent you replacements.
No, because I didn’t use them until like 4 months after. It’s fine, I‘m going to buy from them again, I’m glad to support their business, and have no qualms about what happened. There was much more important things going on in my life at time than to worry about two shooting galleries.
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