5 month old sambava male or female?!

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@Chamsplz I am going to be very honest and blunt with you. If you have no desire to keep her then give her to someone that does. In this hobby a keeper must be fully invested in caring for a chameleon. This not only includes all financial aspects but the attention to detail to ensure you are providing everything correctly. I have seen what happens when people are not invested and in those situations the chameleons are the ones that pay for it. With males you still have to have this passion or stuff can go very wrong but with a female it is even more important that you provide everything correctly.

Now the reason why I said give her to someone and not sell her. You have no idea what her lineage actually is. At this point since the breeder did not even know she was a she. Not to mention you do not know if she has any health conditions. Things like parasites are not visible and require getting a fecal tested to ensure they are not carrying a parasite load. Since again your breeder did not know gender I doubt they ran a fecal on their babies before selling them.

So whomever were to take her in would right from the start need to take her to the vet to get checked out and to have fecal tests run while having her set up in quarantine. This is not cheap. But this is a must if you introduce another chameleon into your home where you have others. The potential for cross contamination is high and an entire collection can become infected if this is not done.

As a new member you are not able to post a chameleon for sale. You may post one in the rehome category without a fee. https://www.chameleonforums.com/forums/chameleon-rehome-no-fee.89/
Lmao in would never give her away I spent 500 dollars on her yea right and I am doing everything I never said I wanted to rehome so everyone can get off my d$&@ about if I want to get rid of her I’ll do it the way I want to you guys telling me what I I do is just making me not wanna do it I asked for sexing help not rehousing check the title
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Lmao in would never give her away I spent 500 dollars on her yea right and I am doing everything I never said I wanted to rehome so everyone can get off my dick about if I want to get rid of her I’ll do it the way I want to you guys telling me what I I do is just making me not wanna do it I asked for sexing help not rehousing check the title
Relax. These people are just trying to help you, and the reason they suggested you rehome her is because your tone clearly suggests you do not care for her. Which is fine. I totally get it. I'd be beyond mad if someone sent me a female incorrectly and they weren't willing to take her back.

I totally understand why you would prefer a male. I chose a male for the same reasons. But people here care about the chameleons' well-being, and you have typed on here in a manner that suggests you did not want her.

This is a GREAT place to be for help with caring for your chameleon, and people respond really quick on here. It's all good, man. Everyone is just trying to help.

They're not trying to be a certain way with you. They are just trying to help (y)
I’m sorry that you feel this way. My first chameleon was a female and she is truly so wonderful.

If you are set on rehoming your girl, I live in your area and I would be willing to discuss taking her

I’m sorry that you feel this way. My first chameleon was a female and she is truly so wonderful.

If you are set on rehoming your girl, I live in your area and I would be willing to discuss taking her in.
Not interested in giving you my chameleon so stop asking
Came from beachside chameleons I emailed them and have had no response
Hi. Have you tried calling them? They have a phone number on their website. https://beachsidechameleons.com/ As a smaller breeder they may be concerned with building and maintaining a good reputation.

Anyone want a female cause I sure don’t
You say this but then have gotten upset when others offer to give her a good home. I totally understand that you spent a good amount and didn’t receive the animal you wanted. However, if you are looking to recoup your money, you need to call the breeder. If you are concerned about what to do with the chameleon, members have answered your question and offered a solution. I’m on the other side of the state from Tampa and at capacity. However, I too would be willing to provide your girl a home if you had no other options. We love chameleons here and only want to give them their best lives.
Anyone want a female cause I sure don’t
YOU are the one that turned this thread into a different topic.
Yea I don’t care for eggs I wanted colorful not dull and ugly sucks so bad
Your comment here made it clear that you have absolutely no interest in keeping her.
Lmao in would never give her away I spent 500 dollars on her yea right and I am doing everything I never said I wanted to rehome so everyone can get off my dick about if I want to get rid of her I’ll do it the way I want to you guys telling me what I I do is just making me not wanna do it I asked for sexing help not rehousing check the title
I said give her away because you will not be allowed to sell her on the forum being a brand new member along with the fact that females are very hard to rehome with a fee.
Maybe people should read the title especially people are staff lol
AGAIN you are the one that turned your thread into a different topic. If you do not want feedback then you are in the wrong place. No one here was rude to you. Everyone was helping you, giving you the information that you asked for and in turn trying to tell you how to care for a female.

Contact your breeder. Should you decide to take a different attitude with the members here we would be more than happy to help you. However if you choose to continue your current rude comments to others then I will escalate this thread to all moderators as you are violating our terms of use. https://www.chameleonforums.com/help/terms/

@JacksJill @Brad @Decadancin
It sounds like a lot of people are trying to help you out with advice and offers to help in a variety of ways in the case you can’t get satisfaction from the seller. I hope they do the right thing and replace the female with the male you paid for. No one is trying to steal from you. They only want her to have a home where she can be appreciated. Payment or not is a private matter.

It would be nice to know if the seller gets back to you and resolves this mistake.

I would remind people to watch their language and avoid insulting remarks.
Now, unfortunately, we do not have a great way to deal with these situations. We can not verify stories or get involved in disputes, but we do care about these animals. I don’t know what I would do in your situation, but I would likely ask for a refund of part of the money and keep her. If I didn’t get some compensation, I would probably want to let others know about the transaction with any correspondence I had. Our forum rules do not adequately allow for disputes such as this, and that is unfortunate. There are other avenues that may be better suited and many monitor those sites.
I hope you decide to give her the chance, the girls are amazing (and require more dedication from the keepers). Without them, we would not have a hobby! Best of luck, whatever you decide…
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