Hey Everybody,
My girlfriend and I got out first veiled Chameleon about a month or so ago from a local pet store as she has always wanted a lizard. The store told us she was around 6 mo. and not to worry about egg laying for a while. We got her the ZooMed mesh cash and I would say about two weeks into having her she started dropping eggs. So I went and got her an egg laying bin of sand and she laid eggs in there. I removed it and last week my girlfriend and I noticed she was digging again into the substrate. After about one or two days, she stopped and returned to her branch. She started wheezing on the weekend - just opening her mouth and flaring her beard and making a little wheeze sound. My girlfriend left out of town so I moved her terrarium to my apartment. The first day (Sunday) she was super active and moving around and seemed great, wasn't wheezing really and ate all her crickets and sipped on lots of water. Yesterday, she wasn't eating her crickets and started to act a little funny and today I found her with one arm dangling off, eyes closing a lot during the day, and seemingly very sluggish and slow. The crickets just go all around her and she doesn't do anything. She then slowly descended to the bottom and has been resting on a bottom branch for about one or two hours now. I have scheduled a vet appointment for tomorrow at 330pm with a local vet. who apparently sees Chameleons so I am hoping for the best. I am super worried and upset and am wondering if there is anything I can do right now to help her or if I should just be patient till tomorrow? Below is some information and pictures of her:
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon: Female Veiled Chameleon, 6 mo. estimated by pet store
Handling: 2-3 times a week, will take on a walk in the sun.
Feeding: Mostly mealworms dusted in Calcium w D3 (I have been reading I should get without D3? Why is this?), though I recently got crickets again to try out as I felt she needed more than just worms.
Supplements: Reptivile Vitamin Powder once or twice a week, Calcium w D3 powder on all feeders.
Watering: Misting 1–2 a day. Have a dripper set up to drip on a branch.
Fecal Description: Fecal matter appears healthy. Brown with white tip. Have not seen much poop the last day or so.
History: Laid an infertile clutch of eggs a few weeks ago. She has been healthy in the past with no major issues.
Cage Info:
Cage Type: Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage - 16 in x 16 in x 30 in
Lighting- Zoo Med Lamp; Repti Sun 5.0 Mini Compact Fluorescent Lamp 13 W + Zoo Med Repti Basking Spot Bulb 150 W. Lighting is set up on timers to be on from 8am - 8pm.
Temperature - 79-89+ Degrees Fahrenheit, though can drop to low 70's after misting.
Humidity - 50-60%
Plants - I have plastic vines hanging from the roof, a branch and a pothos plant that I replanted using organic soil.
Placement - Cage typically sat on my girlfriend's dresser in the window with lots of sunlight through the glass, though I know this doesn't help with UVB rays. Cage is currently sitting in my somewhat dark living room in my apartment on a corner table. I noticed the heat has been harder to retain at my apartment and temperatures have stayed around 75-80.
Location - St. Petersburg, Florida
https://streamable.com/31miz <-- when I took her out of cage earlier today a few hours ago
https://streamable.com/bvjlt <-- moving her cage outside to get fresh air
I have since writing this post moved her cage to be outside so she could get fresh air (per another chameleon owners advice) and she is outside my apartment door now since the sun is down and will go back under the sun in the morning until her vet appointment at 3:30. I took a spoon and filled it with water and she seemed to suck it down and I refilled it a couple times, and seemed to gain enough strength to stand back up and move around but still seems too weak to climb any branches. I got a blunt syringe from CVS and will give her more water in an hour or so but just wanted to know if these are all good ideas and what I can do to care for her until her appointment tomorrow?
My girlfriend and I got out first veiled Chameleon about a month or so ago from a local pet store as she has always wanted a lizard. The store told us she was around 6 mo. and not to worry about egg laying for a while. We got her the ZooMed mesh cash and I would say about two weeks into having her she started dropping eggs. So I went and got her an egg laying bin of sand and she laid eggs in there. I removed it and last week my girlfriend and I noticed she was digging again into the substrate. After about one or two days, she stopped and returned to her branch. She started wheezing on the weekend - just opening her mouth and flaring her beard and making a little wheeze sound. My girlfriend left out of town so I moved her terrarium to my apartment. The first day (Sunday) she was super active and moving around and seemed great, wasn't wheezing really and ate all her crickets and sipped on lots of water. Yesterday, she wasn't eating her crickets and started to act a little funny and today I found her with one arm dangling off, eyes closing a lot during the day, and seemingly very sluggish and slow. The crickets just go all around her and she doesn't do anything. She then slowly descended to the bottom and has been resting on a bottom branch for about one or two hours now. I have scheduled a vet appointment for tomorrow at 330pm with a local vet. who apparently sees Chameleons so I am hoping for the best. I am super worried and upset and am wondering if there is anything I can do right now to help her or if I should just be patient till tomorrow? Below is some information and pictures of her:
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon: Female Veiled Chameleon, 6 mo. estimated by pet store
Handling: 2-3 times a week, will take on a walk in the sun.
Feeding: Mostly mealworms dusted in Calcium w D3 (I have been reading I should get without D3? Why is this?), though I recently got crickets again to try out as I felt she needed more than just worms.
Supplements: Reptivile Vitamin Powder once or twice a week, Calcium w D3 powder on all feeders.
Watering: Misting 1–2 a day. Have a dripper set up to drip on a branch.
Fecal Description: Fecal matter appears healthy. Brown with white tip. Have not seen much poop the last day or so.
History: Laid an infertile clutch of eggs a few weeks ago. She has been healthy in the past with no major issues.
Cage Info:
Cage Type: Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage - 16 in x 16 in x 30 in
Lighting- Zoo Med Lamp; Repti Sun 5.0 Mini Compact Fluorescent Lamp 13 W + Zoo Med Repti Basking Spot Bulb 150 W. Lighting is set up on timers to be on from 8am - 8pm.
Temperature - 79-89+ Degrees Fahrenheit, though can drop to low 70's after misting.
Humidity - 50-60%
Plants - I have plastic vines hanging from the roof, a branch and a pothos plant that I replanted using organic soil.
Placement - Cage typically sat on my girlfriend's dresser in the window with lots of sunlight through the glass, though I know this doesn't help with UVB rays. Cage is currently sitting in my somewhat dark living room in my apartment on a corner table. I noticed the heat has been harder to retain at my apartment and temperatures have stayed around 75-80.
Location - St. Petersburg, Florida
https://streamable.com/31miz <-- when I took her out of cage earlier today a few hours ago
https://streamable.com/bvjlt <-- moving her cage outside to get fresh air
I have since writing this post moved her cage to be outside so she could get fresh air (per another chameleon owners advice) and she is outside my apartment door now since the sun is down and will go back under the sun in the morning until her vet appointment at 3:30. I took a spoon and filled it with water and she seemed to suck it down and I refilled it a couple times, and seemed to gain enough strength to stand back up and move around but still seems too weak to climb any branches. I got a blunt syringe from CVS and will give her more water in an hour or so but just wanted to know if these are all good ideas and what I can do to care for her until her appointment tomorrow?