911- something is VERY wrong :(


New Member
Hi everyone,
a friend reccommended me to come to this forumt o seek for help.

I got 4 pygmy bearded chameleons on the 19th of may.

today i realized one of them were on the bottom of the cage.
so i watched it slowly.. and it didn't move at all..
eyes are closed.
it is almost black with a few blotches of beige..

my friend recommended me to drop a few drops of water into it's mouth to see if it would drink...

i thought it did but afterwards it would open up it's mouth and stretch it's mouth wide open.. with the tongue sticking out..

i decided to move it away form the others.. into a small hospital enclosure.

i also put bumped the temp up by a lil bit.

now it's on it's side.. and not moving at all..
it's dark dark brown almost black with beige blotches and has it's mouth partially open and it's tongue kinda sticking out...

i discovered his condition after i came home from work (to do a second misting)... this morning when i misted them.. they seemed ok
i'm at a loss... i dunno what happened.

someone please advise me

Chameleon Info:

* Chameleon - bearded pygmy chameleon. male. not sure of age.. i believe it's a sub adult. i've had it since may 19th
* Handling - i havn't handled it yet...although i would wait for it to be on a piece of foliage i can pick up and pick up the foliage to let it dirnk some liquids (by dripping out droplets of 50% pedialyte and 50% water incase they didn't drink any water from the misting..) i do this all very very slowly...
* Feeding - feeding 1 week old crickets, and tiny turkistan roaches. about 4 prey items per chameleon avail in a dish at all times
* Supplements - i'm using calcium + vit d3 rep cal and also rep cal multi vits.
* Watering -i have a mini drip system. i also mist 3 times a day.. enough for the foliage to be quite soaked and dripping. They do drink when i pick them up by the foliage they are on and dripping drops of water near their nose.
* Fecal Description - have not tested for parasites yet.. but it seems normal. dark dark brown with a bit of white blob that's well formed.
* History - i recently got these guys... they were shipped from eastern canada (i live in western canada)

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - standard 10 gallon chameleon for eahc pair of pygmy. screen top that is 1/3 covered in plastic to keep humidity in.
* Lighting - exo terra 2.0 compact flourecent uv bulb in a exo terra heat lamp fixture. 12 hour cycle.. starting at 9 am (on) and end at 9pm(off)
* Temperature - 77f during the day
65F during nite time
no basking
temperature is measuered by a heat gun
* Humidity - around 75% mainting by covering 1/3 of screen lid with plaqstic and misting 3 times a day. being measuered by an exo terra digital hygrometer.
* Plants - fake plants
* Placement - in my reptile room.. currently a temp place for the cages is in the middle of the room. ther eis a small space heater in the room to keep temps at around 75F. only i go into the room. top of tank is appoximately 4 ft frm room floor.
* Location - vancouver, BC in canada

Current Problem - body is very very dark brown almost black with beige blothes.. very very lethargic. falls over onto it's side but corrects itself (very very slowly). mouth is partially open with tongue sticking out

I"m kinda freaking out..
You said..."my friend recommended me to drop a few drops of water into it's mouth to see if it would drink...i thought it did but afterwards it would open up it's mouth and stretch it's mouth wide open.. with the tongue sticking out."...I hope it didn't aspirate water into its lungs. Unfortunately, from what you say about it now, it might be on its way out.

Is it a male or female?

(You do realize that this species plays dead when frightened? I'm not saying this is what's wrong...but I just wanted you to be aware of it.)
yes i'm aware this species plays dead...
it is a male i believe...

i'm not sure if it asperated...
but now i think it's too late..
he's barely moving...
is there anything u guys can recommend me to do?

most of od the posts i've read seems that 99% of them do not make it when they are in this type of condition condition.

You said..."my friend recommended me to drop a few drops of water into it's mouth to see if it would drink...i thought it did but afterwards it would open up it's mouth and stretch it's mouth wide open.. with the tongue sticking out."...I hope it didn't aspirate water into its lungs. Unfortunately, from what you say about it now, it might be on its way out.

Is it a male or female?

(You do realize that this species plays dead when frightened? I'm not saying this is what's wrong...but I just wanted you to be aware of it.)
i just posted a thread! the SAME thing happend to my female today. she passed away in my hands. i believe i was able to retrieve some eggs from her though :(
now i'm worried about the other three...

originally i had a pair in each 10 gallon tank.

is there anyhting i should do to with (besides normal care) for the other ones?
Chams who are close to death seem to lose "control" of their skin color and show odd large patches of abnormal color. They almost always gape and leave their tongue partially out, another sign that they are almost gone. A pygmy trying to play dead wouldn't show an odd color I don't think.

I would separate them all to reduce any stressors or possible infections. Check my husbandry again the forum's pygmy housing description. Chances are they were all wc and have been through the wringer in terms of stress. On top of this, larger animals that might be caught or selected by a broker are already mature...they have pretty short life spans too. No way to age them.

Whatever killed the one may be impossible to figure out. It could be something they all have, but could also be due to less than perfect care before you got them.

Here's hoping the others do OK!
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