99 problems & humidity is one

Lol ya the water was a problem but I moved him down to the basement where it's moist all the time so problem solved there lol. I have noticed him climing the cage a lot. I figure 1 or 2 more real plants and a few more fake vines will stop that. And I wanted to be able to take the wrap off if it got way to humid or to high temp
When you say plastic sheeting do you mean the thick kind that is like a plastic tarp or do you mean like cling wrap? Because I was told by a friend to just put cling wrap across all 4 sides along the bottom like 7 inches
And ya I thought the name of this post would amuse.

I use a shower curtain liner. It's resistant to mold or mildew and works like a charm. :)
your setup looks great and good job with the plastic sheeting. :D Personallly though, I would have put it inside the cage for 3 reasons.

1. It stops water running down the sheet outside the cage getting everything wet

2. It stops the chamelon climbing the screen and getting too close to the basking lamp.

3. It stops the food from climbing and finding ways to escape!

This is a personal observation and by no means me putting your setup down as I think it looks great and well applied. I know from experience about the water running down the sheets on the outside of the cage and getting my carpet wet! lol :p

I hadn't thought of that. But those reasons haven't really been an issue for me since I cup feed after free-ranging did nothing but allow the crickets to hide and escape their inevitable death in the jaws of a killer chameleon.

Mine also rarely climbs the screen, or at least I have not seen it do that very often. Who knows what happens while I am at work...

And as far as the water getting everywhere, I taped mine at the bottom so that it comes out under the cage to at least minimize the amount of cleanup I have to do.

Whatever works, works. I may try your approach on my next screen cage.
I use a shower curtain liner. It's resistant to mold or mildew and works like a charm. :)

I was going to use a shower curtain liner, but the only onces I could find before going with the roll of plastic sheeting, had a really strong toxic smelling plastic smell. it made me nervous that since I could smell it really strong, that it could harm my chameleon, so I went with the sheeting. I went through 3 different brands of curtain liners before I went with the sheeting.
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