a AWESOME feeling

little leaf

Avid Member
as some of you know- I work in 501C3 rescue ( https://www.facebook.com/LifewithElliotandfriends?ref=aymt_homepage_panel - via Another chance Sanctuary ) for many animals, chams, dogs, kittens, livestock - what even needs a hand , I also work in networking adoptions, and lost dogs/cats for the local area - my son found a dog walking in the middle of the road, he almost hit it - so of course, the nut does not fall far from the tree- LOL - he picked the dog up - today we were able to find the owners - and reunite them - the dog was 15 , pretty much blind, and had run off after someone threw firecrackers - it was one of the most heartwarming things I have ever been a part of - we all had a good joy cry :eek: ( yes - even the man had a tear of joy ) and I am so happy to get this family back their dog just in time for Christmas :D here is a pic of Misty :)


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That warms my heart! My precious three legged dog ran off the day I went into the hospital to have my son. We never saw her again. It broke my heart. It broke all our hearts. so happy to hear they were reunited!!!
I'm so glad to hear someone else is just as bad as me. I volunteer with a dog rescue here in WI. I have had over 60 dogs come through my home and got them into their forever homes. As well I have kept 5 of those. Now like you I stop for strays.
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