New Member
So today I had a chameleon 'incident' occur that saw my young, and very treasured male veiled Dexter be attacked by a new and older (& somewhat 'mean') male veiled chameleon Norman, who I acquired 4 days ago from a friend who was downsizing. Norman found his way easily into Dexters outdoor cage and really put the beats to him. The 'spine' on Dexter's casque has always been a bit loose and had broken away in places beforehand but when I got to him after Norman beat him up his casque was bitten so bad the spine was gone and the casque cut open lengthwise down to his nose. Blood was coming out of the wound and as I put Norman into his cage, he was covered in Dex's blood! It was so very horrific and ugly and I still feel sick to my stomach when I think about it. Bites and bruises all over my poor boy.
He was in shock and was grey and lifeless when I took him out. I immediately prepped a syringe of .01cc's of Metacam and called my vet. I was SO scared that he wouldn't make it but hubby rushed me to the vet. The wound was cleaned, I was assured it was 'only' a flesh wound and I was sent home with baytril, chlorhexidine soap (keep it absolutely clean) and give pain meds (Metacam) daily. I cried with relief! My boy would be okay!
Lesson learned: know the chameleon before trusting him. I didn't think in a million years Norman would do what he did. And it cost Dexter a nasty beating.
Lesson learned: know the chameleon before trusting him. I didn't think in a million years Norman would do what he did. And it cost Dexter a nasty beating.