A/C was out so we went outside...


Avid Member
It was much cooler in the breeze under the pergola than inside so me and these two guys spent most of the day outside!!!




Its great that you have mini Free Ranges everywhere!!! :D They look like they had a good time. I haven't seen Krayola in a while, lookin' BIG!!! ;)

Hope the AC is fixed soon! :cool:
Thanks Michael!!
I have several hanging pothos that I can move around for them to hangout in.. They seem to enjoy being in different places!!!

I do take more pics of Stanley,, he's much more tolerable of the attention than Krayola! ;)
i love this pic of Krayola!!! he looks so cute and like hes looking to get himself into some trouble ;) hes colors are amazing!

and of course Stanley is looking his usual handsome self :D im sure they loved being in the sunshine!
Thank you so much Jasmine, and your right Krayola definitly looks mischievous!!!!

Stanley loves to pose! Thanks for the compliment!!!!
They both truely loved being outside!!!
They are both wonderful looking and I'm glad they're enjoying the sunlight :D

I'm just gonna say that the face Krayola makes is SO CUUUUTE :p He looks like a cute little begging puppy! it's adorable!

And stanley just looks badass
Thanks Sonny!!!! That's Stanleys Marlon Brando, "A Streetcar Named Desire" look!!! He's trying to look like a rough guy, but he's a real pushover!!!!

Krayola tries to coheres you with his "puppy dog eyes"... To me he looks like the skinny legged dude in "Despicable Me"!!!
Don't let him fool you!!!! :)
I'm glad that Stanley and Krayola were able to get some outside time while your AC was broke. I'm glad that it's fixed now. Give them both of those handsome men a kiss for me.
I'm glad that Stanley and Krayola were able to get some outside time while your AC was broke. I'm glad that it's fixed now. Give them both of those handsome men a kiss for me.

Jann,,, kisses were given!! Thanks soooo much!!!!!!!!
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