A few of the new guys...

Well we added some new guys to the collection. Hope you enjoy! And a big thanks to Mike at FLChams for cherry picking these guys, and to Chris for baby sitting till the weather cleared.



The first picture is unbelievable,and almost dosent look real.
I think the blue background brings out the blue in your Parsons.
I love how a good camera can bring out things that you dont notice with you own eye.
They are just beautiful, and you should be very proud for owning them I'm sure.
You still have time to enter the photo contest.
I would vote for you.

-Good luck

Are you keeping them in the greenhouse?
They look beautiful!
Congratulations, and kudos to Mike for obtaining them for you.

Thanks all,

Justin Carl-
thanks, I agree the blue background really brings out the colors on the parsonii. Thanks for the support but I will pass on the photo contest.

thanks for the look. Fuji Velvia really has a surreal look to it, but I assure you they are real, but porcelain sure would be cheaper to keep fed, LOL.

nope no breeding project with these guys, I am too impatient, LOL.

Brad Ramsey-
hey brad, thanks for the comments. These guys are indoors right now in a winter caging bank in my garage.

One more for you guys, I love pics

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