A French !


New Member
Hello everybody :)

My name is Nicolas, i'm 16 and I come from France. So please, forgive my English but do not hesitate to correct me. It will help me to improve my English, it's my teacher will be happy :D

I've got a couple of Ambilobe Panther Cham and normally i will reproduce her soon, for the first time. I'm a member of Tanalahy, the french forum.
Otherwise, I keep exotic ants (Camponotus nicobarensis), snails (Achatina fulica) and i'm a Beekeeper.

I love and practice Rugby too.

Now, some picts of my chams and my free range:
My male:

My young female:

And my free range:

Best regards
Welcome to the forums, Nicolas! I don't know of any other members on here from France, but we do have some in England, Germany, and Romania. Your free range looks great and your panthers are adorable!

Also, your English is pretty good - I would only correct 2 things (and only because you requested it, not because I'm mean!). The first is that we usually say that we will mate our females, not reproduce them. The second is the sentence about your teacher being happy - the it's isn't necessary. It would actually be more like "and my teacher will be happy". Again, I only mention these 2 things because you have requested it, but your English is fantastic otherwise.

Could you please post some pictures of your ants and snails - I've never heard of an ant or snail collector before and I'm curious? Thanks, and welcome again!
First, welcome to the forums! Second, you're English is a lot better than a lot of people I know..

Anyhow, your male looks great. I love the blue and green going along with the distinct red line along his spines.

His free range looks like chameleon heaven. One of the best i've seen. Niceee!
Beautiful! What wonderful chameleons and an amazing free range! Well done! You must have awesome parents!

I'd also like to see pictures of the ants, and especially the bees, I love bees. If you can, watch the movie Queen of the Sun, it's wonderful.
Hey Absolutbill,

First, thank you for your correction ! I've got the baccalaureate at the end of the year !:D

I know there are french on this forum and in addition people of Tanalahy.

I would like to share with you ants picts but my camera has not a good macro...sorry !
To get an idea: I keep them in tests tubes, with a water reserve held by cotton like this: http://www.google.fr/imgres?um=1&hl...w=262&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:96
The tests tubes are in an aquarium used like an hunting area.
For the moment, my colony have about 100 workers, some majors and 2 queens. The growing is very fast in this species.
To limit the evasions, i use fluon. With this, they have not grip on the glass.

For the snails, it's just a simple box with soil...and weeds as food...nothing really interresting ;)
Holy crap! Nice free range and beautiful chams! Welcome to our community and I must say, your English is a heck of a lot better than some of our members! :mad: :p
Welcome to the forum. This is a place where we all learn and exchange information. You will fit in with us very well. Your english is readable and understandable, no problems for any of us.

Nicolas you have a wonderful free range. I have a free range I though was good, but your's it great.

Your chams are pretty and looks very healthy.

Welcome again.:):)
Hello and welcome! First of all, you have some good looking chams and that free range is AWESOME! I'm sure your chameleons love it!

I would love to hear more about the ants. I find them fascinating! I would really like to hear more about all of the interesting creatures you keep. I would imagine you have seen some pretty amazing things just watching them. Very nice to meet you!

Edited to add.....Your English is great.
Thank you very much ! :eek:

The ants and more generaly the socials insects are so fascinating.

In fact, i've begin by keeping French ants during some years and after i reduce it to forth into reptils.
I had many species: Lasius niger, L.flavus, L.ermaginatus, Messor barbarus, Pheidole pallidula, Formica fusca, Solenopsis fugax, Tetramorium caesptium and some others.
Now, i focus on exotic species.
I dream to having Odontomachus sp or Myrmecia sp, Atta or Acromyrmex, Dinoponera sp, Paraponera calvata (the hymenoptera sting the most painful)...
The ants diversity is incredible: there are about 12 000 species and so different !

I would like to know: what species of ants have you in the USA ? (the most common or known)
Are you really infected by the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) ? What kinf of damage does she do ?

Welcome to the Chameleon Forums. Your chameleons are both gorgeous and I am in love with your free range. I live in FL and we have the fire ants and the tiny little sugar ants. BTW great English!
Our most common ant is the carpenter ant. We also have black, brown and red ants, and fire ants. I haven't seen many fire ants, though they are around.
Welcome to the forum! Just to chime in on the ant subject, I don't know the names, but I would say there are at least 5 or 6 types of ants in my yard! None are fire ants, thankfully! I did see one on my roof that was rather large and orange and black and fuzzy! I don't know if it was definitely an ant, or just shaped like one, but I didn't stay around to find out :eek:! Anyway, again, welcome :).
Freaking BA free range. Pretty cool bee setup as well. I haven't heard or seen anything like that as well.
Welcome to the forums! That is one of the best free ranges I have ever seen! They must feel like they are up in the trees! Great looking chams you have too!
Nicolas that free range is absolutely amazing. As Sticktongue put it, it's CHAMELEON HEAVEN!!! Great job.
Welcome to the forum.
Well, I got to say, your english is great! My french is bad...we're not very good at teaching languages in UK schools. I remember enough to tell a french person I'd like a sandwich lol

Love your free-range, what a fantastic use of space :D
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