A Great Dane Moment!


New Member
Silly Ol' Mike sticking his tongue out! :p:p:p:p:p

No better pooch than a DANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are so right! The only problem with Danes is that they do not realize that they are so BIG and they don't realize they are dogs! We belong to this Great Dane Meetup Group here in Tampa-we get about 30 of these huge guys together monthly and it is a riot! We even have a few bars in the area that will section off the patios for us and let us bring the dogs! :)

You are so right! The only problem with Danes is that they do not realize that they are so BIG and they don't realize they are dogs! We belong to this Great Dane Meetup Group here in Tampa-we get about 30 of these huge guys together monthly and it is a riot! We even have a few bars in the area that will section off the patios for us and let us bring the dogs! :)


You are brave! :eek:
Another Great Dane moment...Mind you my son is 5'4" in these pics-gives you an idea of just how big these guys are!

What a great photo...he looks like a big kid having fun :D

Mike's front paws look about the size of my Chi's whole head!!
Heres my shot.. THese are my two playing outside..Its like its "secret" time.. Twiggy is our 2 year old Harlequin an Toki (4 months at the time this was taken) is our 7 month old Merle. I love danes!!!!!!!!!!

and mY girl Twiggy running (more like galloping!!) towards me..:)
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Sorry that the next to last is so big.. that actually won Sept 2008 on a pet website. I was thrilled.:) these are all just amateur shots of mine..
Okay, my dog is just standing about 2 feet away..hiding somewhat behind a corner..STARING at me...and so I slowly turn my head as I can see her outta the corner of my eye..and i SWEAR she winked!!.. Its kinda creepy..like a stalker...
Sitting..Yet still standing!

Thats my girl, Twiggy. She knows she isn't allowed ont he furniture so she compromised!
I cant wait. I get my "professional" camera soon and My girls face will be plastered EVERYWHERE! :)
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