a handle able chameleon

If you click in the top right corner of this forum one of the awesome site sponsers could get you a cham.

Now on the tame part each chameleon has its own personality so it kind of the luck of the draw. Mine used to like me when he was 1-2 months now he is 2-3 months and he plots my death at night:eek: but that is normal he will come out of it when he gets older :p

Have you ever owned a chameleon before or will this be your first?
They are not "pets" in the sense of a dog or a cat...

I also agree with this statement. Chams are not pets that are to be held everyday. They are for viewing pleasure. Now I am not saying you can not hold them (some members on here will disagree with me) because you can just not all the time, this also has to do with the chams persoanlity.
First of all do a lot of research. You may want to start with a male Panther Chameleon that is young and captive bred. Google the care sheets on this type as different species have different needs. They are not a cheap hobby, bulbs are expensive and making sure the temps, humidity, etc. are prefect. The main thing to consider when taking on a chameleon is "Can I afford a Vet"? When these little guys get sick it is either a visit to the vet asap or death. Check out your local area for a Herp Vet. They need alot of care and attention and I'm not talking about taking them for a walk. You have to make sure their poop (yes poop) is right and they drink lots of water. Any little thing that isn't right could have adverse effects on them. However, if you are serious, then welcome to the addiction, it is very rewarding.
If you click in the top right corner of this forum one of the awesome site sponsers could get you a cham.

Now on the tame part each chameleon has its own personality so it kind of the luck of the draw. Mine used to like me when he was 1-2 months now he is 2-3 months and he plots my death at night:eek: but that is normal he will come out of it when he gets older :p

Have you ever owned a chameleon before or will this be your first?

I have a 6 month old vieled chameleon, i want a cham that is calm when i put my hand in his enclosure. The funny thing is that i only hand feed him and he eats fine but when i go to take him out it is impossible.
First of all do a lot of research. You may want to start with a male Panther Chameleon that is young and captive bred. Google the care sheets on this type as different species have different needs. They are not a cheap hobby, bulbs are expensive and making sure the temps, humidity, etc. are prefect. The main thing to consider when taking on a chameleon is "Can I afford a Vet"? When these little guys get sick it is either a visit to the vet asap or death. Check out your local area for a Herp Vet. They need alot of care and attention and I'm not talking about taking them for a walk. You have to make sure their poop (yes poop) is right and they drink lots of water. Any little thing that isn't right could have adverse effects on them. However, if you are serious, then welcome to the addiction, it is very rewarding.

i know my brothers friend breeds vieled successfully and is helping me out
Panthers are usually 'more tame' but they aren't usually friendly by any means. It's rare to find a chameleon that handles handling well, and even if it does, you really shouldn't hold them often anyways. They aren't really tame.
I have a 6 month old vieled chameleon, i want a cham that is calm when i put my hand in his enclosure. The funny thing is that i only hand feed him and he eats fine but when i go to take him out it is impossible.

Like I said before all chams have their own personality. Unless you buy an adult cham from someone who says they are calm you wont be able to be guarantied a calm cham.
Like I said before all chams have their own personality. Unless you buy an adult cham from someone who says they are calm you wont be able to be guarantied a calm cham.

...and personalitys can change real quick from one owner to the next.

personaly, I would try a panther. a young baby at that too.
I feel your chances are higher if raised with lots of love from a young age.

Furcifer usb.

Best ever, will never bite, dosent eat much, dont need a dripper, can be free ranged! :D


They are not "pets" in the sense of a dog or a cat...

i would say my chameleons are like pets in the sense of a dog and/or cat they love to come out and sit on my head and being handled i dont force anything they just do it.....get a panther :) just get one young three months about no earlier than two months and just work with it and it very well might turn out as a "pet" ---just my two sense
i would say my chameleons are like pets in the sense of a dog and/or cat they love to come out and sit on my head and being handled i dont force anything they just do it.....get a panther :) just get one young three months about no earlier than two months and just work with it and it very well might turn out as a "pet" ---just my two sense

I totally agree with this and my panther and melleri are too like pets and I know they trust me. They don't ever shows signs of stress or aggression towards me. They are both curious and I keep them in my dining room right in the middle of our lives. They don't try to hide and seem to always be waiting for me to get them out to wonder around on their limbs outside the cages.
along the lines of wich evryone is saying. " not ment to be handled as play pets" is completely true. my vield never gets agressive and is always willing to come out but i dont let im... i put him on a large stick during cage cleanings ( under my super vision of course) thats the only time, keeps there stress low. indeed get a panther, vields expesialy MALES get agresssssssive as adults!
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