I am very new to this i just got Him/her yesterday. ive heard a lot of different opinions in the pet stores and frankly don't feel to comfortable going off of all of them.
There are two temp. thermometers one in basking and one on the bottom, it is a glass enclosure. the basking is around 90 all day and the bottom one is right about 80 constantly. and at night it didnt drop that much only to about 75.. i have the one light on a light hanger that can go up or down depneding on the temp. and the other UVB directly on the cage.
Its been eating mealworms and crickets so far 5 crickets and 1-2 meal worms.. i do have a powder with calcium and D3 that they told me to dust before each time i feed.. but ive seen i might need a one with out D3 and a multi.?
I am a little worried and since the last time i added a black sheet to the outside to somewhat cut down on its reflection idk if that can or will stress him/her? but there is a pretty good reflection on the glass.. also the floor matt is a pretty moist should it stay on the dryer side becasue i dont want mold or anything to happen? im very knew and i want to stress her/him as little as i can and its only my second day.. if there are tips you have for me or things that i should or shouldnt do please let me know.
There are two temp. thermometers one in basking and one on the bottom, it is a glass enclosure. the basking is around 90 all day and the bottom one is right about 80 constantly. and at night it didnt drop that much only to about 75.. i have the one light on a light hanger that can go up or down depneding on the temp. and the other UVB directly on the cage.
Its been eating mealworms and crickets so far 5 crickets and 1-2 meal worms.. i do have a powder with calcium and D3 that they told me to dust before each time i feed.. but ive seen i might need a one with out D3 and a multi.?
I am a little worried and since the last time i added a black sheet to the outside to somewhat cut down on its reflection idk if that can or will stress him/her? but there is a pretty good reflection on the glass.. also the floor matt is a pretty moist should it stay on the dryer side becasue i dont want mold or anything to happen? im very knew and i want to stress her/him as little as i can and its only my second day.. if there are tips you have for me or things that i should or shouldnt do please let me know.